[#8] A talk to remember

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(Quick note I will be adding my main oc Kai into this story from now on starting on this chapter you can see what she looks like in the cover image)

You wake up the next morning, yawning as you stretch and get out of bed. Grabbing your phone you check it to see it's the weekend. "Finally the weekend.." You said, Grabbing some clothes while walking into the bathroom to get dressed.

Walking downstairs, you get a random funny feeling. Looking around for a quick moment, you notice some shoes by the front door. You are now certain someone is in your home, sneaking over to your table you grab your wooden broom and look around cautiously. Before walking into the living room someone touches your arm and you scream and drop the broom turning around, to see your bestfriend Kai standing in front of you trying her best not to laugh at you. "I got you..so good" she said, laughing as you glare at her. "Not funny, Kai! I thought you were some creep trying to rob me!!" You said, looking at Kai noticing a bruise on her eye. "Firstly,  that was hilarious and secondly, why would a creep trying to rob you keep their shoes at the door?" She asks raising her brow at you. "I don't know but what I do know is that you need some ice on that bruise." You said walking over to your fridge and grabbing some frozen veggies. Giving the to Kai she grabs the bag slowly putting the bag over her eye, hissing a bit from the pain. You look at her wondering how she got the bruise, Kai looks back at you and smirks. "Hey, come here often?" She asks biting her lip stupidly, you start laughing soon after she joins in, after laughing your heads off Kai takes the bag off her eye. "Kai where'd you get the bruise?" You ask, her looking more serious then before, keeping quiet for a moment before opening her mouth. "Work.." She said looking away from you, knowing she's lying you glare at her. "No Kai, where did you get the bruise?" You ask her more seriously, looking at you she scoffs and gets up from the table beginning to walk out your house. "Is it from Octavian?" You ask, she freezes for a moment. Turning back to you she nods. "Yes, I broke up with him and we got into a fight" she said, walking back over to you and sitting back down. "Good, he was a straight up ass anyways" you say, smiling a bit. She looks down at her hands. "You remember when we first met? We were little about 5-6. You were sitting by yourself eating lunch before these punks came from behind and grabbed your hair yanking it back. I ran over and helped you from being hurt. And ever since we've been the best of friends" she says looking up at you with a faint smile. "Yeah.." You mumble under your breath, looking at her you smile. "Y/n, I think I might be leaving Japan.." She said, looking at you with a tear rolling down her cheek. "Why? You have a family and friends that need you" you say grabbing her hand as she pulls away. "Y/n, my dad is dead and my mom is in prison for killing him. My cousins are so busy with work and my brother is always at school plus not to mention my uncle who I never even get to talk to since he is so busy ruling over the Yakuza" she says, getting up and looking at you. "You have the perfect life, a school to go to, parents that love you, plus your super pretty. But look at me, I have a scar on my left eye, my family is slowly falling apart and I have no school to go to.." She says falling to the floor, holding onto her legs. "Kai.." You say getting out the chair and sitting on the floor with her, holding onto her she lays her head on your shoulder while she cries. "My life isn't perfect either Kai, no one's is. You know my parents are divorced and I usually live by myself since my dad is always out in town busy. Yeah I got into a school, but I got in a fight yesterday with some blonde narcissist. And not to mention I almost walked into a wall while coming home yesterday with Tokoyami" you say, rubbing her head. "Who's Tokoyami?" She asks wiping some of her tears away. "No one important at the moment" you say blushing a bit. "I'll tell you later if you end up staying in Japan" you say, looking at her frowning a bit. "Okay..I'll stay but not because I wanna know who this guy is" she says, you both chuckling as you get up helping her up. "Hey, thanks for the talk,Y/n. You know I'm not really into crying in front of people so don't tell anyone?" She asks and you nod smiling a bit. "Thanks..I appreciate it" she says as she pulls you into a small hug, letting go as she leaves the place.

You sit in your living room thinking about what you said, nobodies perfect. Coming out of your thoughts you grab your phone and see your dad calling, answering the phone you open your mouth. "Hey dad, what's up?" You ask, hearing giggles from the phone. "Nothng much, just called to tell you..I won't be coming home..tonight" he says as you continue to hear giggles and frown at the phone. "Yeah whatever dad, take your time with whoever your with." You say, taking the phone and hanging it up before throwing it at your sofa. "Always out, always with someone.." You say frowning, hugging your legs as tears begin to well up in your eyes. Beginning to cry, you grab your phone and look through the pictures of you with your family and old friends. Raging you throw your phone across the room and curl up into a ball on your sofa, crying yourself to sleep.

Wow that was long, really long. Anyways sorry for leaving you guys I just got out of school a week ago and just redownloaded wattpad. Yay, but hope you enjoyed this chapter cause this isn't the end!!!

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