ix. Academe

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AN// edited it! Hoping to update tomorrow too!

Jennie didn't come home last night.

"Unnie?" Rosé called out as she looked through the dorm even though all 3 of them knew very well she wasn't going to get a response. "She's not here Roseanne" Jisoo says, her voice sounding nonchalant though her heart was beating with worry.

Lisa was so occupied in her own troubles last night that she didn't realize Jennie went missing, nor could she think of a place or reason Jennie would have gone. Lisa hadn't realized how little she knew about Jennie despite how much she trusted her until now.

"She'll come back, she always does, you two should get going" Jisoo says as she gets up and walks to her room, the one she shared with Jennie. This has happened before? Perhaps that's why Jisoo was able to keep a calm face for Lisa and Rosé, she was used to it. The two remaining girls shared a sad smile upon looking at the door Jisoo had just closed. "She's right we should start going if we don't want to be late" Rosé says earning a nod from Lisa.

"Will oppa be driving us?" Rosé asked once the two began to tie their shoes into knots. "No, he's busy" Lisa said, surprised by how easily she had just lied to her best friend, sister if she could choose.

Lisa watched as Rosé nodded to herself and walked out the door. Rosé wasn't oblivious. She knew something was up, and she was waiting for Lisa to bring it up. She trusts that she will soon, and that is what Lisa wanted too, but she couldn't yet, she was ashamed of him.

Perhaps Bambam really was busy, Lisa thought to herself. Doing whatever drugs and stupid things he made her promise she wouldn't do herself. hypocrite.

Lisa sighed at the memory. She was far too overwhelmed by everything that was happening and needed a clue or at least a sign on what to do. And if on cue the ring on her finger caught the light, sparkling in a way that could blind. The edges of her lips picked up before she quickly grabbed something that wasn't hers. 'It's for the good of it all' she told herself.

A chilly breeze greeted the north face of Akron's finest and only university, a reminder that summer was at its end and that soon students would be walking through the halls, rushing to their next class or chattering endlessly with their friends. Or even perhaps doing less than decent things in the poor janitor's closet. 

Lisa stood watching the brick building that towered far past her height. It was just like the pictures Bambam had sent her, but seeing it now was something of its own. Rosé also stood with a cute smile perched on her even cuter face, god knows how hard she had to work to get here, after that stupid stain on her record. 

The daze was quickly broken when Lisa's sense told her that a pair of mischievous orbs were watching her from behind. College was the only reason Lisa was here, yet Akron seemed to have so much more waiting for her. "What are you looking at" She mouthed from behind Rosé's back.  Lisa got no true response as the man simply walked past her in no particular rush. A wash of cologne giving her butterflies for a reason she could not understand.

"Look who it is" A voice said from behind catching the two off guard. "Irene unnie!" Rosé smiled before shyly waving at the girl next to her who was far too busy looking at her book. "Lisa and Rosé, meet Yeri", Irene said as the girl, about a head shorter than them, lifted her face, "hello, nice to meet you" she said.

It was then Lisa realized Yeri was not reading a book but rather a folded up piece of newspaper wedged in between. "What are you reading?" Lisa asked in effort to start a conversation. "Oh, I just saw this thing in the news but I didn't have enough time to read it" Yeri answered with a tint of red beginning to show on her cheeks. What would she need to hide it between pages of a book?

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