xiii. Birds of a feather

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Lisa slowly slipped a hand through the collar of her shirt, letting out a shallow breath once she had made sure the ring was still strung around it's gold chain. Rosie watched her knowingly, but rather than teasing she kept to herself as they continued to walk through the halls. 

She was afraid, as simple as that. She found it so utterly odd that Lisa could stay so calm, that she didn't want to run away from the chaos. The two of them were surrounded by criminals who've done unspeakable things.

"They're looking for you" Jennie says hurriedly right after she had walked quickly to the library doors blocking both Lisa and Rosé from entering. "Who unnie?" Lisa asks while trying to get a glimpse of who could be in the library. Jennie quickly tugged the two girls away from the library and walked in the other directions, eyes scanning everyone they passed. "Bambam has all the members looking for you" She explains.

"Is there a reason why we are running away?" Lisa asks and to this Jennie lets out a sigh. "Look, this isn't my place but I want you staying away from both gangs. You too Rosie". Lisa was about to interject when Rosie quickly stopped her, "Lisa I agree, they aren't the type of people we should be around". Lisa didn't have anything to say, plus she'd rather not talk to Bambam anytime soon.

The three of them were now in a empty hallway that belonged to the photography department. where can we go?, Jennie thinks and as if Lisa could read her mind, she responded with "Janitors closet", nobody would find us there.

Lisa takes the lead as she begins to walk towards the janitors closet that she and Jungkook had met in just yesterday. She felt somewhat empty knowing that he was at her window last night but she couldn't even catch a glimpse, but wouldn't admit it. She does not deserve so much, not if she was capable of hurting someone.

Once all of them filed into the cramped closet Jennie closed and locked the door while Rosé flipped the light switch. "How did you find this place Lisa?" Rosé says with bewilderment and interest. To this Lisa's cheeks burned a slight bit before she stutters out, "Jungkook, we met here once". Jennie rolled her eyes and Rosé's jaw dropped. Couldn't blame her, closets have quite the stigma.

"YAH lalisa, how many things did you keep from me!" Rosé yelled and then the two began to bicker, leaving Jennie to her thoughts. She quickly slumped against the wall and took out her phone to check the time. It was only 12:00. From what she knew, their entire gang would be busy in the afternoon, meeting a politician with a little too much influence against them. Unfortunately she doesn't think the first years can make it to another class today, but maybe they could take the risk.

Jennie of course didn't care much if she missed a few classes, I mean she missed them all just yesterday. She was no good at this academic crap, and never managed to ever get a passing grade, if she even completed her work. Yet she still got accepted to the college, and has a passing average. Many wonder how.

"When's your next class?" Jennie asks the two, who finally stopped bickering as Lisa had planted a kiss on Rosé's cheek flustering her. A move Lisa does often to get Rosé to stop talking, along with shoving food in her mouth.

"Not until the next hour" Lisa said and Rosé gave a nod of agreement."

"I guess we'll just stay here for now." Jennie says getting another nod from Rosé.

"How did you know, that they were all looking?" Lisa asks.

"I—one of them told me" Jennie says as quiet shivers ran through her spine remembering what had happened in the library.

"Ah, Jennie, I'm glad I could meet you, especially after our last meeting got cut short" he says as he comes next to the seat Jennie was in. "Fuck off, I don't want to see your face" Jennie says as she slams her diary shut putting it away with her pen. "Oh but Jennie, I'm sure that's not true, and besides I'm actually not even looking for you" He says, still full of unsettling sarcasm. "Lisa, that's her name right, she's a pretty one too, too bad Bambam would never let us touch her" He continues as Jennie stands up. "Stay away from her!" Jennie says slightly too loud as people began staring. "No can do, strict orders from Bambam" Kai says as he walks off to another part of the library. And that is right when Jennie saw Lisa and Rosé about to enter the library through the glass door.

"Oh" Lisa says, but she wasn't finished. She has a certain personality that requires to know absolutely everything about everything. They say curiosity kills the cat, but so far she's alive. "You've lived in Akron all your life right?" Lisa asked, and Jennie sighed as she also noticed how nosy Lisa can be. "Yes" She said with a nod. "So then do your parents live around town?" Lisa asks, it was clear she had been meaning to ask this for a while, and it looks like Rosé wanted to know the answer too.

"Probably not, they might be dead for all I know" Jennie replies as if it was nothing at all. Upon hearing silence, Jennie decided to just keep going, knowing that Lisa wanted to know, she was just deciding on whether or not it be rude to. "I was found on the doorstep of the church, that's where I grew up, under the care of the women that lived the there" Jennie said still with no emotion what so ever.

"Do you have siblings, maybe a broth-"—"I do not have any brothers." Jennie interrupted, leaving the both Lisa and Rosé in surprise. Jennie mentally screamed at her stupidity. It was like her mouth had no filter when it came to her roommates. 

"I'm sorry" Lisa says quickly realizing she may have hit something sensitive. "It's fine, but I should go, they'll sure find it suspicious if all three of us are gone" Jennie says as she stands up and leaves the closet with little goodbye.

"Why are you always being so nosy Lisa" Rosé scolds once the door closed. Lisa didn't even bother to respond as her mind began to think. I do not have any brothers, there was something strange about that sentence. And then a light bulb went off in her head!

"Rosie! Her brothers, they must have been the ones who died!" Lisa said with a little too much enthusiasm, which obviously earned a weird look from Rosé. "Her diary, it's filled with entries about some kind of car accident, she even mentioned that people died" Lisa explained.

"You read her diary? I swear to god Lisa, you're going to get yourself killed, get some boundaries" Rosé scolds again. At times like this people remember that even though Lisa and Rosé regard each other as equals, Roseanne is indeed older.

"But don't you get it, she said brothers, they must have died in a car crash" Lisa says and Rosé couldn't help but to listen. "I suppose that would make sense" Rosé said hesitantly.

Oh how wrong she is.

Jennie lied. She does have brothers, as Lisa figured, but note the key word, has. They're very much alive. And that is possibly one of the darkest things Jennie hides. She has her reasons of course.

Though she never had anyone she truly felt like she could trust to tell these things to anyway. She grew up alone without any friends nor sisters. Just the couple of Woman that lived in the Church. She was too much of a burden to them already, she wouldn't dump her dark secrets on them as well. But I guess this story has began to change little by little. Jisoo, a straight A student from some far away city took that seat next to Jennie that first day, and ever since then she's been by her side. Despite how horrid Jennie's life really is.

"Yah Jenduek! I called you so many times, where have you been!" Jisoo whisper shouts once she found Jennie who had come straight to the picnic tables outside the building from the janitors closet. She needed fresh air.

"There must have been no signal in the closet Lisa and Rosé are hidden in" Jennie replies causally. "Closet?" Jisoo asks as she takes a seat next to Jennie.

"Bambam has them all looking for Lisa, so she's hiding there"

"What about her class, it starts soon"

"Well I'm sure they can sneak into the class unseen, the college is quite big"

"Wait is that Rosé?" Jisoo suddenly says pointing to the distance as Jennie tries to spot what she was looking at.

And there she was, Rosé, running towards them with a worry stricken face.

"What's wrong?" Jisoo says as she stands up with Jennie to meet Rosé halfway.

"Lisa, she's gone!"

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