initiate the clan.

9 0 0

 as i ran, i ran into some strange- cult???? i dont know. it was full of cats. a cat saw me sneaking in the corners of the group. the strange tabby-tom stopped everything he was doing.  hes in a slight attack stance. 

"stop what your doing, invader."  i just stood there, in a situation that cant be unlocked.  i stare, not knowing what to do. i ran, again. as the coward i am. he ran behind me, pretty aggressively.  he had stunned me by the time i had started running faster. i tucked my tail between which made the chain whip, and opened the same wound. i hissed in pain as blood splatter across the ground. brambleclaw saw the tenseness in my face as he sighed. 

"are you alright, you kittypet?" i looked confused, but also in pain. "i said, are you alright?" i looked surprised due to the sudden surprise of kindheartedness. 

"yeah yeah. im fine." my voice seemed shaky. brambleclaw got off of me and the first thing he saw was the chain and blood dripping. 

"oh blood dripping jesus! we need a medicine cat real quickly, kittypet--" he looked really worried as he helped me up. 

"i can walk, you know. no need to help." i stated as he walked beside me.  he looked to me and shook the thought of me saying that off. 

brambleclaw started, "this is our cl--" i stopped him. 

"cult?" i tilted my head. 

"what? no!" brambleclaw was dazzled. "cats of the wild are divided into clans, and different territories.  we all protect our territories so that is also the reason i attacked you at first but thats beside the point. each clan also has different beliefs, so theres that. this is thunderclan." 

i tilted my head. "aaaand the others?" 

brambleclaw hesitated. "riverclan, windclan, shadowclan, skyclan and starclan." i nodded. as we got to the medicine cats, which they might not be a big of a help, my ears went down. "say, whats your name?" 

i hesitantly responded. "tigger... why?"

 brambleclaw bursted put laughing. "TIGGER???" i nodded. "rateye seems to fit you more than 'tigger'."

i squinted. "im not even a rat th-" 

i got cutoff by some medicine cat.  "hello! im ravenwing, and how may i help you today?" i lifted up my tail up to show her. she slightly gasped, as if this was a bad thing. ive had this thing on for awhile now, so its fine. i got used to it.  she rushed to take care of me as barmbleclaw and i said our goodbyes. but this isnt the last of what he'll see of me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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