•{Chapter 2}•

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You get me so up then you push me down
Like I'm your own personal elevator
You pull me all in then you pull me out

Ever since she said that I've been making a fool of myself. Or to be more specific Shinsou was. He would walk next to my seat lean in and say something like "we still on for Thursday night" and I would giggle like an idiot or give a stuttering response.

And every single time he was talking to Bakugou. I felt as idiotic as I looked. But yesterday was different. We were in the cafeteria. He was very talkative and very flirty. After about 10 minutes I was a blushing stutttering mess and out of nowhere he said "do you wanna ride" I swear I was about to pass out.

"R-ride. R-ride what l-like a horse" I stuttered. I really hoped he wasn't talking about horses. "Yes a horse" he smirked. "What else do you think I was talking about". Of course he had to be talking about horses. Unconsciously I let out a disappointed sigh. "Were you hoping I was talking about something else~" he teased. "N-no w-what else do you r-ride" I said.

"Well there is one thing that comes to mind~" he said leaning. "A-and w-what would t-that be" I stuttered. I must look like a complete idiot. "Well you also ride boys" he said. "So you wanted to ride me~" he finished. It took all my willpower to say "No." but it came out like an embarrassing whine.

"Your so adorable" he said chuckling lightly. My face turned an even brighter shade of red. Shinsou frickin Hitoshi just called me adorable. "So how would you like to go out with me and the others" he said. "Huh" I said tilting my head a little in confusion. "Do you wanna hand out with me and the others" he said rewording it.

"Sure" I said smiling brightly. Later that afternoon Shinsou showed up at my door in a black blue jean jacket with a normal shirt under. And some black jeans. I felt my pants get tight just looking at him. My eyes wander up and down his body stopping at his lips.

His lips plump I just wanted to pull him in a kiss so bad. But I didn't I mean I like him a lot but you can't just force yourself on someone. Meanwhile I just had on gray sweats and a hoodie. I was so under dressed. "So w-where are w-we going" I asked. "It's a surprise" he answered looking down at me.

I was 5'5 pretty tall for my age. I think and Shinsou was 5'6 just a inch taller but I'm not gonna lie I always wanted a taller boyfriend. So I could lay my head on his shoulder. Or bury my face in their neck. And maybe sit in their lap while they play with my hair. Maybe Shinsou would be that person.

Without thinking I laid my head on his shoulder breathing in his scent. He smelled different then usual I know it sounds weird but he usually smells like coffee and something. I'm still trying to place the other scent. But now he smells like lavender one of my favorite flowers and honey.

But then I realized I was laying my head ON MY CRUSH'S SHOULDER. And smelling him like a weirdo. I jump back embarrassed. "I-I'm so so s" I was interrupted by Shinsou smashing his lips on mine. I instantly wrap my arms around his neck. I feel his tongue around my mouth.

My hands fall to his hips as the kiss gets heated. We both break away for air. "I want more" I whisper. Kinda hoping he heard me but kinda hoping he didn't. After awhile I thought he didn't hear me because he didn't say anything. And the rest of the month went as if nothing happened.

Much to my dissatisfaction. I thought we could get together and go on a date after the kiss but the exact opposite happened.

Whatever we had came crushing down on me like a building.

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