♡︎Jᴜsᴛ ᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀɴᴅ Our ʙᴀʙʏ♡︎ EP4

280 14 1

2 Day later
We were going to the beach so I was getting ready

Jules outfits:

Jules outfits:

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Hayley outfit:

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Hayley outfit:

Hayley outfit:

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At the beach

Jules p.o.v:  we left Taylor at my grandma place
Hayden: hey guys
Jules p.o.v: he came up with Bella in his arm
Bella: hey girls
Hayden: hey Hayley
Hayley: hey Hayden long time no see
Hayden: yea
Asher: Jules!
Jules: Asher what are you doing here
Asher: johnny invite me
Hayden: you guys know each other
Jules: yea
Jayden: Jules!
Jules p.o.v: I walked up to Jayden

Jules post

Jules post

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Liked by Kenzie Ziegler, Lauren Orlando and 429,000,00
Caption: had a fun time with you 💕
C͟o͟m͟m͟e͟n͟t͟s͟ d͟i͟s͟a͟b͟l͟e͟d͟

Time to go to the cabin

Kenzie: okay cells you have a room with Jules
Bella: ugh
Jules: can I stay with Jayden
Johnny: no
Lauren: I stay with Jayden
Hayden: I'll stay with johnny
Carson: Hayley you can stay with Jayden or Jules
Hayley: I'll stay with Jayden

Skip time, later in the day

Bella decide to let take a walk
Jules: where are we going to
Bella: just follow me
Jules: okay
Bella: look
Jules: what
Jules p.o.v: I turned around then Bella pushed me into a room a dark room
Jules: Bella get me out
Bella: stop trying to get to Hayden he's mine
Jules p.o.v: she makes sure that I couldn't escape and walked away
Jules: Bella Bella!
Jules p.o.v: I tried to call someone but there was no connection, Then my phone turned off
Jules: anybody there HAYLEY, JAYDEN, KENZIE, LAUREN, CARSON! no one?

Hayden p.o.v:

Hayden p.o.v: I went out to catch my breath
I saw Bella
Hayden: Bella what are you doing here
Bella: HAYDEN!
Hayden: Did something happen why are you so far from the came ground
Bella: I was just walking around
Hayden: where's Jules
Bella: idk
Hayden: isn't she your room partner
Bella: I left she probably still in the room we should go
Hayden: it okay you can go am just going fora walk
Bella: let me come with you
Hayden: it fine go
Hayden p.o.v: Bella tries to kiss me but I couldn't make it happen
Hayden: What was that
Bella: Hayden I like you like,like like you
Hayden: Bella am sorry but I like someone else
Bella: is it, Jules
Bella: why am so much better than her why can't you like me
Hayden: Bella I don't want to ruin our friendship
Bella: why, we been friends seen fourth grade why can't you like me
Hayden p.o.v: she ran away
Hayden: Bella!
Hayden p.o.v: in a short distance I could hear a scream, I went to check it out
Hayden: Jules
Jules: Hayden
Hayden p.o.v: I broke through the trap and see blood all over her
Hayden: are you okay
Jules: yea just get me out of here
Hayden p.o.v: I grabbed her out of the building
Hayden: what happened
Jules: Bella
Hayden: Bella did this

Jules p.o.v:

Hayden carried me to the medic, I got checked up
Jules: thank you, Hayden
Hayden: *he smiled*
Thank you for reading this I hope you like it
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♡︎Jᴜsᴛ Mᴇ ᴀɴᴅ Yᴏᴜ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴏᴜʀ BABY♡︎Where stories live. Discover now