~ Chapter 1 ~ Chaos at the Zoo!

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On a normal street, it doesn't seem like anything weird or spectacular would happen. In the house, an explosion could be heard inside the home of private drive. A girl with black hair ran down the stairs followed by an older man who was clearly in bed up to that moment to find a small girl with red hair sitting in front of a caldron. What was inside was bubbling as the girl was covered in black soot as if she was involved in an explosion.

Once the two arrived they looked down at the red-haired girl and said, "Grandfather.... Bella... Good morning."

The older man started laughing as the older girl with black hair and a red face yelled, "Mai! What are you doing with my caldron?!"

"Um... I was..." She started to say looking anywhere but at her eyes.

Just for a sparking to make her move the girl looks at the clear color in shock and turns saying, "I've told you how dangerous it is to touch! I've been going to school for two years and we don't know if you're even going to attend!"

"Then you shouldn't have left it easy for me to get!" Mai stood up and snapped back as the two had a lighting between the two.

Only for the two to jump at the laughing turned to see their grandfather was laughing.

He rassled their hair making the girl look at him. Both were still upset with each other as they turned again seeing each other and turned their heads away. He looked down and said to her kindly, "Now, Mia. You know that touching your sister's wizarding stuff without supervision isn't safe."

Mia looked down sadly and answered, "Yes, Grandpa..."

Making her sister laugh at her. Just for a gentle hit on her head causing Bella to say, "Ow..."

He looked down at her and said, "That didn't hurt you. Why didn't you lock up your school supplies after you used them."

"I did! I even used the lock you gave me!" She defends to him as if looking to the door in question to find it wide open and the lock on the floor.

She walks over and picks it up turns to him saying, "Mia can't reach it? So how did you?"

"She must be like you and her mom." He said a saddened expression appearing on his face at the thought.

"Gran..." Bella starts to say going and touches his arm only for the two to be surprised as a brown owl sups in with two letters.

The eldest child goes and takes them to find her name Isabella Jane Black at number 6 Private Drive. The other one read Euphemia Lily Black at number 6 Private Drive. She smiled and said, "Grandpa! Our letters have come! I can't wait for Mia to come with me!"

"I hope she'll be in Ravenclaw! I can look out for her and make sure she stays out of trouble!" Bella says happily looking at their letters.

"Alright, calm down my dear." He says as the brown owl takes off out the window.

She looks at him and says, "She'll be so happy. Mia has been so jealous of me for the last two years. Now my baby sister gets to go! Know she can stop taking my school stuff without permission!"

"Let's tell her after our Zoo trip today. It will be another birthday present." He tells his granddaughter with a smile.

She looks down and nods agreeing with him. Their grandfather takes the letters from the old girl's hands and says, "Go get dressed, Bella."

Bella looks down at her PJ and blushes before running up the stairs to dress.

He chuckles to himself walking over to pick up Bella's cauldron and putting it away. He then got to the kitchen grabbed the broom and started to clean the mess Mia had made. Just as for Bella to run down the stairs her hair down not completely ready asking in worry, "What are you doing?! I got it, Grandpa!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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