~ Prologue ~ Dark Stormy Night on Private Dr!

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On the normal stormy streets of privet drive. It was clear that no one should be out with the street lamps barely making out anything how hard it was raining. From the woods appears a figure that seems to be running. It was unclear what the figure was carrying before it stopped in front of a house that was crossed by the terribly ordinary Dursley family. By the house light, the figure was revealed to be a woman carrying .

One was clearly 3 and the other just barely a year old. The woman shook the older girl awake setting her down. Rubbing her little eyes looked up at the woman asking sleepy, "Mommy?"

Only for the girl's face to change to one of pain quickly takes out a strange stick and pointed it at the lock speaking out, "Alohomora"

The door lock clicked and opened the door. She grabbed the girl's hand with a smile letting it go once again to let go of her hand. The mother bends down to the girl's level the other child sleeping soundly.

"Bells. Mommy has to visit some friends my little pup. So take care of Mia. Do you understand? Your grandfather will be taking care of you for now." The woman spoke with a cracking voice as if she were going to cry.

Bells looked at her mother confused asking, "What about papa? Why can't we be with papa?"

"I'm sorry pup... Your father is in trouble. I have to help... So be on your best behavior for your grandfather. Do you understand?" She asked her daughter but because of the dark, her sad face was unseen.

Just as a booming voice yelled clearly angry, "Who cares to break in! I have a gun and I'm not afraid to use it!"

The woman stood up face turning towards that man holding the stick again calling out, "Lumos."

Making the light go on in the house making the man stop. His face filled with shock at seeing her in front of him. Bells hid behind her mother's leg in fear. The man took a step forward asking in disbelief, "Sofia? Is that really you... You really here..."

"I'm a sorry grandfather. I can't stay. I wanted to leave Isabella and Euphemia with you if that's alright.." Sofia spoke with a serious face.

He looked at his granddaughter in confusion answering and asking confused, "You know that your always welcome. After our last fight about your husband I thought.."

She didn't answer placing a gently kiss on the sleeping baby's head that was her arms as if it were the last time. Sofia drew back and genially gave her to her grandfather. He took Euphemia before asking, "What is going on Sofia?"

She shook her head answering, "I can't tell you... To dangerous... I will be back tomorrow!"

Sofia turned away from him and bend down to the Isabella's level as their brown eyes meet. She kissed her head to before drawing back smiling at her speaking kindly, "I be back my little pup... Look after your sister! Listen to your grandfather John, Ok."

"Yes, Mama!" Isabella answered her mother confused looking up to the man who held her sister.

With that Sofia stood up talked towards the door. John spoke again, "Sofia.... Please...."

She send one last sad look at her grandfather before disappearing with a pop. Isabella looked up asking, "So your our grandfather?"

"Great Grandfather actually my dear..." He answered her with a smile.

Isabella yawned rubbing her eyes making him smile before taking her little hand. John spoke, "Let's get you to bed and we can talk more tomorrow little dear."

Leading her upstairs into a letting go of Isabella's hand turning on the light and opened a dresser picking out a . He turned to Isabelle holding it to the little girl. He smile telling her, "I sorry it might be to big after all it's your mom's. I will be right back, ok."

He walked out of the room going into another room with lots of furniture a baby crib on the wall and looked at it with a sad face. Before Isabella voice called out, "Grandfather! Can you help me?"

"Coming." He called back before walking back into the room the night dress was way to big for her small body.

He laughed before helping to lift her to the bed and tucking her in. Still making sure Euphemia was sleeping in his arms started walking to the door. Isabella called out to the treating old man, "Will mom be, ok?"

"Of course! You know that your mom is strong! She be back tomorrow. She promised you that she would after all." He told her turning off the light.

"Thank you grandfather." Isabella called out to him.

He smiled answering, "I be just a cross the hall if you need anything."

John gently closed the door before walking for to the storage room were the was and started rolling it into another big . Getting a blanket placing it on the bed before putting Euphemia on it. Before he sighed walking over to the bed sitting on hit looking at a on his night stand. Stare at it in his dark room. Unknown was that Sofia was watching from a far in the rain with her hood up. She had tears falling down her face, but was mix up with the rain. Before disappearing with a snap leaving the street behind.


~ Hi, I know that his is different them most of my Fanfictions! I really like Lumina books from quotev! Check some of her stories out their awesome!

So I want to throw my own spin on a Harry Potter fanfiction! I hope you like Mia and Bella!

I will update soon! ~

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