Chapter 2: The Tragedy And The Red Dragon Rises

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Y/n's P.O.V

After I bumped into Akeno and apologized, we exchanged names and I just left continuing on my way meeting Junpei at the front gate. Soon I made it and we both talked for a bit till Junpei wanted me to meet a new friend of his so we both walked back into the school.

As we continued walking through the school, I kept getting feelings that something is gonna go wrong which gave me chills. Soon we ended up in a hallway as we heard footsteps approaching us and a guy walked out from the top of the stairs

 Soon we ended up in a hallway as we heard footsteps approaching us and a guy walked out from the top of the stairs

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Y/n: Who are you?

Junpei: Y/n this is my friend Jack

Jack: It's nice to meet you... Y/n L/n

He said as wings appeared on his back and a light spear in his hand 

Junpei: Wait Jack

He didn't listen as he threw the light spear at me which hit my jacket pining me to the wall

Y/n(mind): What the hell is this?!

Y/n: Junpei run!

Junpei: Y/n calm down. 

Y/n: This guy is bad news you gotta go. Please!

Junpei: But Jack's not a bad person

He said but his eyes widen in shock as he was contemplating something

Junpei(mind): Bad...Person...

Next thing I know Jack put's his hand on Junpei's shoulder while looking at me 

Jack: You know, Junpei, you've got a good head on your shoulders. But sometimes deliberation can lead to worse foolishness than imprudence.

I try to get this light spear off but as I touched it my hand started burning 

Y/n: The hell?

Jack: You're a stereotypical case of that! You're almost as foolish as those people who used to call me their friend. That's why you'll die

Jack(mind): Idle Transfiguration

After that, Junpei body started to change as he poped out of his clothes and turned into a weird being. Soon the light spear went away as I stared at Junpei in shock

Jack: Now, kill your best friend

Y/n: Junpei...

Junpei ran at me and punched me in the face as I got him into a choke hold 

Y/n: Junpei! Get a hold of yourself! I'll figure something out

He lifted up his hand and started punching me in the ribs

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