Top 'O' Da Morning Love!

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--- Sky's POV ---
All of us besides Basher and Jin were downstairs earing breakfeast, at 12:00, so I guess brunch?
" Makin' pancakes, Makin' bakin' pancakes!" Jerome said, flipping the pancakes.
"MAOPLE SURRRRRUP!!!!!!" Mitch screamed, pouring practically the entire bottle on his pancakes!
" WTF Mitch!" Ty said.
" I is Canadian, it's MY maple syrup!" ( No offence )
Ty started laughing his head off, rolling under the table. He was clinging onto the table leg.
" What's wrong Jin?!? " I yelled overtop of Ty's extremely loud laughing.
I could barely here the sound of Basher's door before he rolled down the stairs, with that hysterical laugh of his.
" What the balls, dude!" He laughed/said!
Jin walked down the stairs, making us all end up like Ty. Jin was COVRED in whipped cream, and his pants completely soaked.
" Who did this?!" He yelled.
We all pointed at Ty, because he had laughed first. Jin ran towards Ty with a big tree branch I had in the house because I just finished choppin' some wood.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Ty screamed in the most girly way possible.
'God, he was cute when he screamed!'
"DON'T DO DIS!!!!" He yelled.
We were all standing in the corner watching Ty get chased around by JinBop. Okward was hugging Basher protect-fully. All of the sudden Ty ran towards us, leaping onto my back. I felt my cheeks go completely tomato.
"Onward my trusty steed!" Ty yelled at me!
I ran away from Jin, around the coffee table; down the stairs and into the game room, slamming the door with Ty's back. I slid him down my back and onto the floor.
" Ok, number one, WTF, number two, open up the back door!"
Ty opened the back door, while I opened the closet door. I beckoned with my hands for him to come here. He ran over to me and we got into the closet. I shut the closet door just in time for Jin to open the door to the games room. As Jin walked around the room, I could feel Ty wrap his hands around my waist, squeezing me harder as Jin walked right by the closet.
' Jin should chase us more often.... ' I thought.
"Oh, they must have went outside!" Jin said, noticing the open door.
He ran outside and down the street. Once he was gone I opened up the closet door letting Ty and me out. We ran up the stairs and went back to the dining room. Okward and Basher left, probably to go get dressed. We walked in and heard noises so I grabbed my phone and we looked around the wall into the kitchen.
Mitch had Jerome pinned up against the wall, Jerome's bacca hat slipping off his head. They were intensely making out, (I am not explaining because my mom is looking right at me like "I know what your doing, your texting a boy...." Jokes on her, I don't have a boy on texting, just Bubblegums, Kaywa and EnderWings ( They all have cool nicknames! lol)
So I snapped a pick and Ty ran out from behind me and screamed "#MEROME4DAYZ!!!!!!!"
They parted and looked over at us, turning completely red. There was still a string of saliva hanging between their mouths.
" You got som-th-in there guys!" I said starting to laugh.
They looked down, then Mitch said, " Fuck it!" And started kissing Jerome again.
That was it for Ty, he broke down into tears he was laughing so hard.
It was at that moment that Jin bursted through the front door saying " Here's JINNY!!!"
"Ya......... Okay." Ty said to Jin.
Jin smacked Ty on the arm with the branch.
"Jin, did you run through the streets looking like that?" Ty asked, pointing at his soaked whipped creamed pants.
Jin looked down and then ran upstairs into the bathroom. I heard him turn on the shower.
====== I hope you enjoyed ma first chapter back! I really enjoyed it! YAY!!!! Go Writing!======

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