naming chapters is hard

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Another perfect photo

John's pov

I took Ivy's money and headed out. I went to the corner shop, they had a whole selection of different kinds of, hygiene products. She never gave me exact instructions for what to buy so I'm a bit lost. Should I just buy all of them? How much are they? JESUS that's more than I thought. OK, so just buy the cheapest? I went to grab a box but then stopped and took a step back. Maybe it will be easier to pick if I take a step back?

"Are you getting some for your girlfriend" a woman asked me

"She's just a friend" I say

"Oh, I always send my husband out to get these, is it day one?"


She picked up a box and handed it to me.

"Thanks" I tell her and go to pay. The man at the counter gave me a funny look. I can't be the first man to buy these, that lady just told me she sends her husband all the time. Maybe he can just sense that I haven't done this before and wants to make me feel awkward. I took them back to Ivy, she was still in the toilet so I slid them under the door.

"Are these ok?" I ask

"Yeah these are perfect"

I herd her open the box but then silence.

"Um are you ok?"

"Yeah" She said whispering "im just opening it slowly so no one can hear"

"...but I'm the only other person here and I brought them"

"Oh yeah" she laughs "force of habit"

We start to walk home together apparently Ivy only lives in the block of flats around the corner.

"Well I'm home" I say "thanks for the lesson, I honestly didn't believe you would get me in the water. Let me just grab your money" I open the door and Ian and Steward were inside with a roulette table? Is that what there called? Those things you get in casinos and you have to spin a little ball and win money. That's probably not how it works. "Um what's this?"

"While you were out we got this at a church fate" Ian said. He came over and put his arm around me "imagine Johnny, I'd always wanted to go to Vegas but now I'm bringing Vegas to us."

"Ok well I'm just grabbing Ivy's money-"

"Invite her to play!" Ian said so I did. Ivy said she wanted to get showed first so she didn't stink of chlorine so she popped home quick to get ready.

When Ivy returned she was wearing white, platform heeled boots with green fleared trousers with a golden stitching, a plane white crop top and a deep yellow blazer with a flower pattern. She looked like some 70s goddess. When she came back Ian gave me a little nudge as if to say wow look at her  I bit my lip and just looked down at me feet.

She sat down next to me, looked me up and down then gave me a small smile. I want to tell her she looks stunning but I know I will only say the wrong stupid thing. It's best to stay quiet.

"John thinks you look great" Ian said to her. I'm used to Ian finishing my sentences but this is just mind reading. I felt my cheeks go red.

"You look lovely" I say shyly

"Thanks John" she says 

"John do you mind coming to grab some crisps with me?" Ian asked

I node and get up and go with Ian into the kitchen.

"John are you alright?" Ian asked me doing that loud whispering thing.

"I'm fine, why?"

"When Ivy came in your jaw hit the floor and you weren't saying anything?"

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