Katie Day and the house of hell

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It was 6am when Katie opened her eyes to hear her ear splitting alarm clock. She groaned slowly sitting up to silence her iPad Pro she got for Christmas last year from her mom. She rubbed her eyes yawning with a big stretch.

''Another day another morning of absolute hell.'' she mumbled to herself getting up walking to her bathroom turning on the light. Her eyes squinted at the bright light as she slowly walked over to her sink.
"God I look rougher than Luicifer'' Katie joked to herself looking in the mirror.

The short teen spent most of her time in her room alone playing games such as "Obey me!'' A dating sim where you have your choice of dating many demon brothers one including Lucifer who she wasn't too fond of.

She reached for her mirror in-front of her pulling it open to reveal a cabinet. She grabbed her daily shot for today. Katie had always been sick since she was born, doctors say her immune system isn't very strong which is why she usually feels very weak at times and always feels shitty.

Katie removed the needles covering, sticking the needle in her side. She took a deep breath as she did. She was used to the sharp pains, yes, but she never was too fond of giving herself shots everyday. She injected herself with her daily medication taking the needle out throwing it away.

She closed the mirror back looking at herself one last time. "You got this, you just have to get through today.'' she gripped the sink taking a few deep breaths before leaving the bathroom turning off the light.

She opened her door to her room walking across the hall to a certain brunette who she always has to wake up for school. She knocked on the door. "Day, you up yet?'' She questioned pressing her ear against her sisters door.

No response.

"She's never up on time." Katie thought to herself
opening the snoring brunettes door seeing her sister fast asleep on her bed. "How does she sleep next to a window and still doesn't wake up on time?" Katie thought to herself. Granted she knew the sun still wasn't up yet but still, she would think her sister would feel the cold air from the glass.

She walked over to her sister's bed taking a pillow hitting her with it. The brunette opened her eyes stretching, turning over to look at her little sister standing over her bed. "May I help you?" Day groaned with her head resting on a pillow as she shut her eyes once more. "It's 6am, school time'' Katie told her sister taking the pillow from up under her head. Day put her blanket over her head trying to block out her sister's interruption of her sleep. Katie pulled back her covers started to repeatedly hit her sister with a pillow. "WAKE.UP.YOU.BUM!'' Katie repeatedly hit her sister.

Day was using her arms and hands to shield her face and head as she reached for a nearby pillow. "Sneak attack!'' She got up starting to hit her sister with a pillow. "Ah! Hay!" Katie yelped as she got on the bed too starting to have a pillow fight with her sister. Both girls laughed hitting each-other their laughter filling the room. "Okay Okay! I surrender I surrender!'' Day flopped on her bed out of breath laughing. "I'll get dressed for school" Day surrendered. "Finally!" Katie laughed getting off her sisters bed holding her side.

In truth Katie felt very weak but didn't wanna ruin the moment, so she just gave a weak smile to her sister enjoying this moment with her since she doesn't have many moments like these. "Now get dressed, moms gonna make breakfast soon, something quick and on the go.'' Katie sluggishly walked out her sisters room to her own sitting down on her bed relaxing before getting up to get dressed.

"Jack, wait for the girls, I want us all to eat together for their first day back to school'' Carrie swatted her husbands hands away as she continued to make breakfast downstairs. Jack shot her a look. "I worked hard to put this food on the table it's only right I get to eat first like the king that I am'' Jack shot back at his wife. "I know I know but I want us all to eat together like a family, we don't have many meals with the girls nowadays since their older" Carrie kisses her husband's cheek, walking back over to the counter to finish setting out the food. "Yeah yeah" Jack grumbled sitting back in his seat reading the newspaper.

Day rushed downstairs in her skinny jeans and plaid flannel unbuttoned with a black shirt and purple converses to match her purple backpack. Katie followed behind her with her black shorts and signature oversized salmon hoodie with light pink converses and backpack to match. "GoodMorning girls" Carrie greeted them cheerfully. "I made breakfast" Carrie says putting their plates on the table.

"Morning mom but we have to catch the bus or we'll be late we'll just get something to go." Katie says taking an apple and a banana moving towards the door. "Nonsense, I'll be driving you two to school so there's plenty of time, please, sit down and eat." Carrie motions towards the table. Katie and Day look at each other looking back at their mom. Katie put the fruits back as they slowly walked towards the table, sitting down next to each other setting down their backpacks.

Carrie sits down in-front of them while Jack sits at the head of the table. "Daylynn do you have your cochlear in?'' Carrie signed and spoke out loud. "Yes mom, I can hear you loud and clear" Day signed back moving her hair to reveal the device attached to her ear and sticking to the side of her head. Day was born deaf and grew up learning how to speak and sign. She got her cochlear when she was four so she wouldn't be behind in school.

"Good, just make sure you have an extra battery for school today " her mom signed back sitting down at the table. "Could we not use hand signals at the table please and use real words" Jack stated coldly putting down his newspaper. "Honey we've been over this it's called Sign language, and I've been trying to get you to sign up for ASL classes for months now so you can communicate with Daylynn as well." She gave her husband then her daughter a smile. Day gave a small smile back at her mom continuing to look down at her food. "She has a hearing aid for a reason, so we can talk to her like a normal child without all this signing bull crap" Jack replied. "Honey, we've been over this, it's called a cochlear and sometimes she needs hearing breaks so then we'll have to sign" Carrie told him. "Well then, there's nothing to say, she don't wanna hear I'm not gonna talk" he proceeded to stuff his mouth with pancakes.

Carrie sighed not wanting to argue with her husband and looks at Katie who was picking at her food. "Hunny did you take your shot for today?" She asked her. "Yes mom, I think I'm getting better, I don't feel as weak and tired when I wake up in the morning." She smiled a bit at her mom playing around with her food on her plate. "I'm glad to hear that your feeling like your old self again" Carrie smiled back at her. "Maybe if you'd go outside and play a sport your wouldn't feel so sluggish all the time" Jack chimed in. "It's called laziness" he continued. "I just have low iron dad, had it since I was born wasn't my fault." Katie halve mumbled to herself. "What was that? Speak up if you have something to say!" Jack stopped eating looking at her. "Ya know what I'm just gonna go catch the bus." Katie got up picking up her bag walking towards to door. Day followed behind her picking up her bag. "Girls! Wait!" Carrie started. "Bye mom see you after school" Katie walked outside starting to walk to the bus stop. "Bye mom!" Day said closing the door behind her catching up with Katie.

"Don't worry about him Katie he's just an ass" Day said trying to reassure her heated sister. "I know but mmmm! The things he does to mom and to us! Why does he have to live with us when he just makes our lives miserable!" Katie stopped walking looking down at the ground.

"I hate him...he hurts us and we can't even do anything about it...I feel so...Helpless" Katie held herself as tears started to form in her eyes. "Hay Hay" Day started hugging her sister. "Don't think like that, we're all in this together, you me and mom. Remember what we both promised each-other?" Day rubbed her back holding her. "We'd move out with mom as soon we graduated High-school" Katie stated hugging her sister wiping her tears on her shoulder. "Exactly! We're almost there Katie, just one more year and we're free! Just me you and mom....and we won't have to worry about him anymore." Day reassured her sister pulling back. "We can do this okay?" Day started. "Together" They both said.

"Thanks Day" Katie hugged her sister again wiping her tears. Day pulled back "Hay that's what sisters are for, even deaf and low iron ones" Day joked making Katie laugh a bit. "Now let's go catch the bus before we ACTUALLY have to walk to school" Day said continuing to walk with her sister. Katie walked beside her following.
I hope you enjoyed this first ever chapter of 6 lives one ending! Feel free to leave comments on your favorite parts of the story and predictions on what you think will happen next! Updates might not come as fast but I'll do and try my hardest! And as always, thanks for reading! 🥰
Words- 1693
Wowza! 🥳

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