Daichi x Tall Male reader

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3rd POV

Lately the team noticed Daichi was...off. He started leaving early and making excuses on where he had to go. His last excuse was he had to go feed his cat. Daichi doesn't have a cat.

"'Cmon Asahi! We have to figure out what's wrong with Daichi!" Sugawara exclaimed.

"B-But isn't that kinda invading h-his privacy?" Asahi nervously stated. "But what if he's in trouble!" Hinata hops into the conversation, also concerned for his captain. "Boke!" Kageyama hit Hinata "He can take care of himself."

"But what if it's the Yakuza?!" Nishinoya said and dramatically fell to the ground.

"Y-yakuza?!" Asahi stutters.

"It's not the Yakuza!" Ennoshita glares at Nishinoya.

"Yeah but we need to protect our precious captain either way!" Sugawara says.

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The next day Daichi made another excuse and left. The team (except the sensible ones Yama and Tukki who really just didn't care) went through with their plan they made the day before of following their captain to keep him safe.

They followed him to the front gate where he was met with a very tall boy. He looked to be around Asahi's height but a little shorter. They were talking "Are they arguing?" Tanaka asks.

Then after a while of talking Daichi sighs and hands him some money. HInata gives a very angry gasp "Daichis being -mudhuhd." Kageyama covered his mouth "Shut up Boke!" He whispers. Once they see that the tall boy and Daichi had left they start to talk about what had happened.

"As i was saying!" Hinita glared and Kageyama "Daichis being mugged!" He glares.

Suga had a worried expression on his face "We definitely need to talk to him about it." he says.

"I agree if he's in trouble he should come to us!" Asahi says, "We'll protect him!" NIshinoya says and does some karate moves.

٩꒰๑ '∇'๑꒱۶ ·˚*୨୧꒰∗ɞ̴̶̷ु ·̮ ूɞ̴̶̷∗꒱୨୧*˚·

It was the day after the incident and it was about the time Daichi usually leaves. "Ok guys, I gotta go I-" He cut himself off when he saw and upset looking Asahi and Nishinoya blocking the door. "What are you guys doing?" Daichi chuckles.

"We know about him, Daichi," Suga says.

"Oh....OH! That's great I-" Daichi once again gets cut off

"No Daichi it's not ok!" Tanaka says

"W-what?!" Daichi said slowly getting pissed

"You can't let him take your money Daichi-senpai!" Hinita exclaims.

Ok....now Daichi was really confused. "Ok...uh I think you guys are very confused..."

Just then the gym doors opened "'Cmon Daichi!" some one yelled.

It was the tall boy!

"Hey get lost!" Tanaka yelled

"Yeah! You think you can just manipulate our captain like that??" Noya yells as well.

"W-what?" The tall boy said nervously

"Yeah you better be scared" Hinita yelled.

The whole team had joined in yelling at the imposter. And soon the tall imposter started to cry. "Sawamura!" he sobbed. "GUYS?! What the hell? Are you guys that jealous?" Daichi said and ran to the tall boy's side.

Now it was the teams turn to be confused. "Why would you yell at him? He's not manipulating me! I owed him a little treat!" Daichi says

"But isn't he a Yakuza?" Hinata asks.

'W-What?? No he's my boyfriend! (Y/N)!!"

There was a silence, silence filled with regret and guilt.


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After the team apologized many times to (Y/N) they pooled all their money together to buy him some ice cream and as well and gave them a promise to stay out of their business.

"Well you team is nice!" (Y/N) giggles, while eating his favorite ice-cream. He and Daichi were walking home while Daichi had his hand around (Y/N)'s waist. "They're nosey, that's what they are." Daichi huffed.

"Relax honey bun they just misunderstood!" (Y/N) says and takes another bite of his ice-cream.

Daichi gave another huff "Yeah, yeah....hey can I have a bite?" he asks. (Y/N) eagerly nodded his head and took a scoop out for Daichi.

Daichi leans forward and kisses (Y/N), he puts his tongue in between (Y/N)'s lips and licks the roof of his mouth. Daichi pulls away and licks his lips "Mmm yummy." he smirks.

(Y/N) blushes and slightly pushes Daichi away who is laughing his ass off. 

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