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so we get to the court house and to adopt these girl we need to fill out lots of paper , By we I mean me . In the meantime the other guys are going to take them shopping for our concert tonight . It's pretty obvious that they don't like our band so I'm not ,sure that they are going to like what Harry has in plan it's Short and 1D.

"What there is no way I'm wearing this"Jeden says
"You have to we have to introduce you guys to our fans and you have to represent "I say. "I don't think you want us to represent your band in such slutty outfits "Jeden argues back. well to bad she's wearing that weather she like s it or not .
"I like it "ALICIA says coming out of the dressing room .

Wow Alica looks "HOT". then I see her blush what did I just say that out loud oh no . "Aww sweet"
Harry and Lois say mocking me . "Its ok Jeden you look good in the clothes. Just do it for tonight ."Louis says . He always knows how to wow the ladies .

"Wow Thx Louis I'll wear it" then I kiss his cheek and go to the dressing room to change.He is so nice wow he is so far my favorite but I can't loose focus there all heartbreakers I don't want to be one of there little sluts. I have to stay to my duty protecting ALICIA she's the only family I still have .


All this paper work but I made a promise to these girls . Plus the media already knows so I can't let them think we're bad role models . So I can't give up on these girls .

I'm done finally the girls are now under our custody. And by our I mean mine well better call the guys and see how they are doing .

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