Here comes Eun-woo

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We all were in the game section. We were all looking around to see which games we wanted to play. "So, what do you guys want to play?" asked Chaeyoung.

"Hmm. I don't know. How about the shooting game?" suggested Tzuyu.

"That sounds like a good idea. How about loser pays for lunch?" I asked.

"You got yourself a deal," said Tzuyu, and we shook on it.

We walked over to the shooting game, both of us having confidence. Tzuyu is an excellent shooter. The last time when we came here with the girls, she hit all her targets and won a huge stuffed Teddy Bear. However, the girls don't know that I took shooting lessons to protect them from potential predators or Sasaeng fans. We both paid for our turns to shoot. We each have 9 shots and 9 targets to shoot. Tzuyu went first. She fired all her shots and ended up getting 8 shots and missing on the last one. "Dang it! I almost had it!" she said frustratedly. 

"Hey! Eight is still good, Tzuyu. Let's see if Y/n can measure up to you." said Chaeyoung.

"I'm a bit nervous," I said.

"Don't worry. I believe in you," said Na-kyum with a small smile.

"Thanks," I said.

I aimed at my first target. I shot it, and the bullet hit it in the middle. The same thing happened for my second to eighth shot. I only had one shot left. If I could make this last shot, I win the bet. I looked over my shoulder and saw Na-kyum giving me the thumbs up while DaChaeTzu had their mouths hung open in surprise. I just smiled at Na-kyum and smirked at the girls. I felt I saw a blush that crept on Na-kyum's face. I looked back at the target, aimed directly at the target, and pulled the trigger. I closed my eyes and hoped for the best. I heard a loud bang and turned around to see all four of them shocked. "Wow," said Na-kyum.

Tzuyu sighed. "I guess I'm buying lunch then." She said.

My eyes went wide open, and I looked behind me. The last target was down. "Yes! I did it!" I celebrated.

"Congratulations. You have one a top prize. Pick any stuffed animal!" the worker said.

I looked at all the prizes on the shelf, and I decided on a big stuffed teddy bear. "I'll take that one, please," I said and pointed to the bear.

The worker grabbed the bear and gave it to me. "Congratulations, son! It is all yours!" he said enthusiastically.

"Thank you!" I said and left with the girls and Na-kyum.

"Wow, Y/n, you're good!" said Dahyun.

"Thanks, Dahyun. Oh, and Na-kyum, you can have the bear." I said and gave him the big stuffed teddy bear.

"Thank you, Y/n," said Na-kyum, and I could see a small blush forming on his face.

We talked a lot and showed Na-kyum around before we went to eat.

*Back in Painter of the Night*

Seungho POV

I was smoking outside of my room when one of my trusted men, Eun-woo, came up to me. "My Lord. I may have figured out where Na-kyum is," he said with a smile.

"Really? Where?" I asked.

"A portal has opened up in the same area that Na-kyum disappeared into. Some say that it is a path to an unknown time. Possibly the future." said Eun-woo.

"Interesting. Well, thank you so much for the information, Eun-woo. Is the portal still open, or is it closed now?" I asked.

"The portal is still open the last I checked. Do you have a plan how to capture Na-kyum and bring him back?" asked Eun-woo.

"Simple. How about you go into their world and drag him back here. Make it seem like I need him urgently and convince him to go back with you." I suggested.

"Will do, my lord. I will go there right away," said Eun-woo and walked away.

When Eun-woo was away, I looked up at the blue sky. "Ahh. Finally, maybe I can get Na-kyum back soon." I said to myself.

"And then, maybe I will have some fun with him," I smirked and laughed at the comment I just made.

Eun-woo POV

It took me some time, but finally, I got to the area where Na-kyum disappeared. Sure enough, the portal was there. "Now, let's see where this leads to," I said to myself and began to step into the portal.

"No, young man! Don't go in there! You don't know where it goes! It could lead to the underground world where the evil spirits live!" yelled an old man who was watching nearby.

I ignored his advice and stepped into the portal. Suddenly, a huge flash of light appeared, and I closed my eyes. I walked through the portal when I finally stepped out of the portal. I fell out of some black square-shaped glass. I looked around the area, and it seemed like someone's room, except it looked so different. I went and took a look around. When I went into a clear white room, I noticed rags of a hanbok that could only belong to that Baek Na-kyum. "So Na-kyum was here. I better look around more." I said to myself.

I was amazed around the whole house. Geez. These people are rich. And they look even richer than Lord Seungho. I decided to walk out of the house and around the area. There were lots of people walking around, and some of them were staring at me. I wonder why. They were also wearing bizarre clothes as well. I managed to walk by a restaurant and see people eating dishes that looked mouthwatering. I looked up and saw a sign that read "Burger King." It looks like a king owns this place. I decided to go inside and see for myself.

Dahyun POV

Tzuyu, Chaeyoung, Y/n, Na-kyum, and I walked into Burger King to eat lunch. "I can't believe Y/n won! And thanks Tzuyu for lunch," said Chaeyoung as we went and sat down.

"Your welcome," said Tzuyu as she went to look in her purse.

Tzuyu's eyes went wide, and she searched through her purse more.  "Um, guys, I don't have any money with me," said Tzuyu, panicked.

Our eyes went wide. "Then how are you gonna pay then? I mean, it's your punishment," laughed Y/n.

"Not funny. But, I think I forgot the money at home," said Tzuyu and glared at Y/n.

"Don't worry. I got it. What do you guys want?" I asked.

"Anything is fine with me," said Na-kyum.

"Um. Same," said Tzuyu.

"Me too," said Chaeyoung.

"I'm fine with anything," said Y/n.

"Ok. I'll get us five Whoppers, fries, and Onion rings. How about that?" I asked.

"Sounds good." they all said in unison.

I walked up to the cashier to order and pay. There was only one person dressed in a hanbok standing in front of me. "What do you mean I have to pay? I'm a freaking lord!" he said angrily.

"Sir, please calm down, or you have to get out." said the cashier.

"But I have no money with me," he said in frustration.

I decided to step in. "I'll pay. Charge it to my card." I said and handed the cashier my credit card.

"Thank you," he said.

"No problem," I said.

This man looks quite weird. He's wearing a hanbok and looks like he came from the Joseon Dynasty. "By the way, nice clothing," I said.

"Ah. Thanks," he said and looked away.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"My name is. Eun-woo. Cha Eun-woo." he said.


Hi everyone! A/N here! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I hope you enjoy, and please vote for me! Stay safe and healthy everyone! And feel free to comment your thoughts on any chapter!

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