4 - just as i thought

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"Bakugou, Kirishima! You guys made it!" Yaoyoruzu greets them with a warm smile.

"Yeah, this guy right here is very stubborn, you know," Yaoyorozu chuckled as Katsuki let out a tch.

"At long last, you two have arrived!" Mina yelled as she ran towards them.

"Oh my goodness, I smell alcohol. Wait, Iida approved?"

"Yeah, it was difficult to convince him though!"

Katsuki snarls, "Do you mind letting us in? Cuz i aint wasting my time here."



LED lights were hung where the walls met the ceiling and were slowly changing colors. Happy music played perfumes and the aroma of fine dining mingled. Everything was pulled over to the side, near the food tables, to make room for dancing in the center of the room.

Despite the fact that it appeared to be a high-class event, no one took it as such. They were all teenagers out to have fun, so there were plenty of fraternal fist bumps and sudden barks of laughter, as well as a few rowdy friends.

There was a pile of boxes and bottles containing different alcoholic drinks, one of which had already been opened and there numerous red cups on the kitchen counters.

Kaminari opened a strange bottle labeled simply VODKA and poured it into Izuku's cup. Izuku had never tasted anything that so badly that burned his throat. After a few sips, he decided he didn't like how it made him feel and poured it down the drain, which everyone witnessed and laughed at.

Katsuki tried everything to find the right moment to talk with Izuku, but nothing seemed to work because everyone kept pulling the nerd to congratulate and talk to him. Izuku threw his hands in the air with an excited whoop after a few rounds of uno and other party games, Katsuki frowned from the kitchen.

"I think he had several drinks," Sero laughed, handing him another cup.

Katsuki's gaze never left Izuku, and when he finally saw him alone in a corner, looking bothered, he seized the opportunity and walked towards him.

"Hey, shit nerd!" He could feel his throat itch.

As Izuku turned to face him, Katsuki's face flushed. Izuku's face was flushed as well. Is he drunk?

"H-hey, Kacchan!"

Here goes nothing.

"Come with me, let's talk." Katsuki claims. "Outside."

Izuku appears surprised; this was the first time Katsuki approached him and demanded to talk to him after he began ignoring him.


Before leaving, Katsuki glance at Kirishima, who is giving him a smile and a thumbs up, assuring him that everything will be fine.


When he looks at Izuku, his heart skips another beat. As a raging heat spread across Katsuki's chest, he felt his heart explode into flames.

Perhaps it was because he had a few drinks, or perhaps it was because the smell of grass filled the air and was soothing in some ways or the quietness of the night that created a tranquil atmosphere.

Perhaps it's just that Izuku looks really good in a suit. His muscle mass and height had increased over the years.

They end up sitting on one of the benches outside, and Katsuki just stares up at the moon in the dark sky for a while, feeling himself calm down. The moon was mesmerizing that night, with its gleaming radiance and a slew of stars surrounding it.

Maybe | (The Moon Is Beautiful, Isn't It?) BKDKWhere stories live. Discover now