♥No Inhibitions♥

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 After 2 rounds of UNO, Ino woke up. She opened her eyes looking around the table. Once her sleep blurry eyes landed on you, she turned to face you.

"You know, Y/n," the blonde woman started, "you're really pretty."

"Um, yea thanks," you awkwardly accepted the compliment.

"No, like really really pretty. Like, I think you're hot."

"Oh," you looked away from her not sure how to take her comment. Ino was beautiful, but also sitting on her boyfriend's lap. You looked to Sasuke who glanced over to you, brow furrowed and shrugged his shoulders.

"Why don't you date more? When was the last time you went out with someone? Or even just got laid?"

"I'm not going to talk to you about my sex life during a game of UNO, Ino." You rolled your eyes, playing a card. "And the last time I had a date was probably last semester."

"Guy was an ass," The Uchiha commented, "didn't bring her flowers or nothing."

"As much as I like flowers," Sakura frowned, "they aren't required."

"I didn't like him," Sasuke insisted.

"You've never liked anyone, Y/n has dated," Kankuro teased the raven.

"That's because they're all idiots," he forcefully smacked a card on the discard pile.

Kiba snorted, "at least she dates, you've never even kissed a girl."

The Uchiha glare was fierce, "I have."

You gave him a blank look, "we were 13, it doesn't count."

The brunette man barked laughing, "virgin lips Uchiha. Never had a girlfriend, never been on a date."

"Come on, Kiba," you stopped the Inuzuka's taunting, you could feel Sasuke's anger rising, "there is nothing wrong with focusing on education. He'll graduate and become a CEO of a major corporation while you pick up his trash."

"The way your grades are right now," Shino added injury to insult, "that's looking highly likely."

"You should at least pick up someone for a night," Ino was still focused on you, "sex is great stress relief. There's this guy in my Literature course whose a real hottie. I could introduce you." She wiggled her eyebrows, "or..." she looked from you to Sai then back again, "you could join us," she offered suggestively. "We both find you attractive. I wouldn't mind sharing for a night."

Your jaw dropped as you stared at her. Ino Yamanaka was offering you a threesome.

Eyes wandering to Sai, he just smiled and laid down a card, "UNO."

Across from you, Kankuro pouted, "how come I never get invited to sexy time?" Gaara elbowed him in the ribs.

"She's not interested," Sasuke snapped, taking the liberty of responding for you.

"I believe, Ino asked Y/n, not you," Sai turned his blank smile on the Uchiha.

"Well, I mean...." Ino blushed playing with her fingers, "I wouldn't mind if you joined in too, Sasuke." Sai frowned.

"Not a chance," the raven scoffed, "I don't share."

"So," Sakura gave him a sly look, "what you're saying is, you want Y/n all to yourself?"

Sasuke turned redder than his favorite food, "whose turn is it? Will you fucking go?"

"M-m-mine," Hinata drew a card then placed one down bashfully.

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