North American Mother

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A young girl, perhaps eleven or twelve in appearance, stands on a windswept shore looking out at the ocean. The last of the sails had just disappeared from the horizon, lost to her vision. She had been left behind in the settlement the people that had given birth to her existence had built. They had been driven out of these lands by the native peoples, that combined with the distance from their homelands had made it difficult for them and now they were simply giving up and going home. The resources of this land were not worth the hardships and expense of settling these lands.

Solemn the girl turns to head back into the cluster of houses that had been left behind. Shivering she made her way into the nearest one and began to search for anything that may have been left behind. A few stale crusts of bread, a dinged up old eating knife and a worn and ratty fur cloak were all she managed to turn up after searching the entire settlement. There were no fields that would bear fruit in the near future and though there was shelter it would not be enough once winter began without the added insulation of heavy furs and skins to keep one warm. Realizing this the girl knows she has only one choice if she wants to survive.

Gathering what she had found the girl leaves the settlement with not a look behind her. That part of her life was over and done with. There was nothing left for her there. And so she set out into the wide unknown.


As a side note there is an alternate version of this with the 2P characters that will be published when the last chapter is written. I just finished this one first. Please let me know what you think.

North American MotherWhere stories live. Discover now