Chapter 5 // Little Alex?

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Alex nuzzled into Charlie's soft hair as they layed quietly in bed. It was nearing midnight, yet Alex couldn't sleep. His mind was much too awake with thoughts that had been building up for a while now.

When he couldn't hold back any longer, he finally decided to speak up. "Hey, Charlie?" He whispered. "You still up?"

"Mm-hm" Charlie hummed drowsily. The sleepy boy ran his fingers through Lilly's fur who was sound asleep next to him. Her sister was practically on top of her, creating one big cuddly fuzz ball.

"Can I ask you something?" Alex said.

Charlie, now a little more awake, turned around to face him. Whatever his boyfriend wanted to ask sounded serious. His eyes focused through the pitch black room in search for Alex's eyes. "Yeah, what's up?" He asked quietly.

"Um..." he started to fidget with the blanket in his hands."How did you know you were an age regressor?"

"Oh," Charlie took a few moments to think about this before replying. "To be honest, I think I've always regressed here and there. I never outgrew sucking my thumb. I've always loved watching kid cartoons and I'd feel different whenever I did those kinds of things. I'd feel more carefree and just happier. But I think after I found out what it was was when I knew and started regressing even more. It's always helped me feel better after a stressful day. Especially in high school and...after my mom passed". Alex nodded with a hum and kissed his forehead. "She was the only one I trusted enough to regress around until I met you. I was lucky to have someone as understanding as her for a mom".

"I'm sorry Charlie. I know you miss her" Alex said petting the back of his head.

"Yeah..but I've made peace with it. Therapy helped me with that. I know she's in a better place now, and that I'll see her again some day". Alex smiled and nodded.

Charlie looked back up at him. "Why did you wanna know by the way?"

Alex shrugged. "No reason" he mumbled.
Charlie wasn't buying it though. He scooched closer until he was about an inch away from his nose.


"What?" The suddenly shy blonde giggled while shrinking into the sheets.

Charlie propped his head up with his hand."What's on your mind?"

Alex let out an exaggerated yawn. "Awe man it's getting late!" He spun around in bed so that he was facing the other way and pretended to snore.

Charlie laughed and rested his head on Alex's back. "You butt" he giggled. He wanted to keep asking, but he also didn't want to push him. He knew Alex would come to him with whatever was on his mind when he was ready. He thought he might know why Alex had asked in the first place, but decided to wait and see for himself.

Over the next few days, Charlie started to notice a few things he hadn't before after observing Alex closley. Every now and then he'd catch the boy staring at a sippy cup or pacifier that had been left unattended. Alex would try to play it off as just spacing out when he was caught. But something told Charlie there was more to the story. He also noticed how Alex would cling to a stuffed animal or soft blanket when they'd watch movies together. Alex was no stranger to enjoying stuffies or blankets, but this was different. It was as if he had become heavily dependent on them for comfort.

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