Chapter 3

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Looking over at the table in the corner I saw Carrie and David talking. Kinda looked like they were arguing about something. Something that wasn't my business. David looked over Carrie shoulder and they stopped talking. I started walking over there to sit at the table to eat. Carrie exaggerated her "hey" as if she didn't see me sit down. "Hey." She looked at me like she wanted to yell at me. I mouthed out. What. David looked up and she shook her head and said nothing. The rest of the gang came and sat down at the table also. I nudged Tay in her shoulder. "So how was it?" I asked her. She looked confused. "How was what Ricky?" Didn't know his name was Ricky but I nodded. "Nothing went on. Come to find out him and the guy you were talking to go to the highschool in Rainson. A couple hours away from here. We suppose to be meeting at Ruby Tuesday next week to hang out." She smiled that the corners of her mouth touched her ears. "Just be careful." I implied. David looked at me and then kept eating.

Dumping our tray he mentioned to me. "I didn't know you was there the other day. I didn't see you."

"Yeah I was there." He looked kind of worried. He lifted his hand and left to go back to class. I walked swiftly to Carrie. "Hey what was you and David talking about?" She pointed to me and went searching for Shane. I held her shoulder. "About what?" I was so curious. She stopped and looked at me. "Proms coming up and he wants to ask you out. Okay." She left and I stood there in shock. David..... Wants to take me out. A smiled appeared on my face unknowing to me.

"Hey mom, what's for dinner?" I yelled walking through the door hanging up my jacket. She turned around from the bar and pointed to the fridge. I frowned and left going towards the staircase. "Mat?" She replied before I stepped on the first step. "Mat... Yeah what?" She stood up and handed me the house phone. "A dude named Mat called for you." I was relieved when I took the phone and she turned back around. I'm guessing Carries mom helped out a lot to the fact that my mom didn't know who Mat was, how I met him, and of why he called. I ran upstairs to my room.

"Hey, Matthew." I talked slowly. "May I ask who's calling."

"Ashley?" I responded to his question. At first I was thinking he might of forgot about me that quick. "Oh hey, remember call me Mat. Don't call me Matthew." I was confused of why but then we carried on a long conversation about school. "Hey Ashley, my big brother and I suppose to be taking a visit to where your school is, mind if we hang out for a little?" I ran my fingers through my hair an then took a long pause until I said sure.

Arriving at the library where he said he would meet me I was a little confused. He stood in front of me as my attention was in a book. "You really wasn't suppose to read a book. This was just the closest place I thought we could meet." I looked up and damn he was better looking now then he was before. He had a great posture and his hair had little cute brown curls. His eyes glowed greenish brown like before and he definitely looked like a Mat. He wore this navy blue button up shirt with his sleeves rolled up and his pants was a nice dark blue with tan lining. He looked like a man model. When I stood up I was lost for words he was like 6'2 to my 5'7. The perfect height for me. "Is it okay if I hug you?" That was a awkward question so I went in for the hug first. He smelled just like chocolate as he did the night before.

"Where to?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders. I knew the surrounding more then he did but I wasn't trying to control his whereabouts. We ended up at a bakery called "Crane The Goods". The name was so cute. Walking into the store it smelt just like chocolate & tea. He took a seat at the third table in the back and I followed him.

As he went to the front counter, he brought back a piece of chocolate pecan cake for the both of us. "You eat chocolate?" He uttered while pushing me the piece of cake."Yes I actually do." I took a piece of cake off with my fork and ate it. It was delicious.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2015 ⏰

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