Chapter 17

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*slam the door
Y/n- you just done that seriously what about dad
S-She keeps doing it and I tell her no
Jb- you need to leave Nat like now
Nat- or what jb *walks closer to hiim*
Y/n- or I'll let the winter solider know *steps infront of jb*
B- let me know what
Jb- Nat kisses dad but dad pushes her off
Y/n- guessing this is what you were arguing about the other night
S- you heard
Jb- yes of course we did you two were gonna get a divorce
S- we arnt tho
B- yea we arnt
Y/n- Nat why if you have done it before why
Nat- because I love him
*you sit on the stairs*
Jb- what now
Y/n- nats gonna pack her stuff and move to uncle clints
Nat- what no I'm helping raise you
Y/n- no you don't get a say because I'm not gonna stay up asking dad when's mum coming home I have 16 great birthdays without you I learnt how to drive I learned how to shave I learned how to fight no thanks to you because you went here are they where here and you arnt splitting this family up
Jb- Nat pack your stuff dads gonna call Clint now
*later that night your dad are downstairs arguing and your sat at the top of the stairs*
Jb- *whispering* hey you okay
Y/n-yep just can't sleep
Jb- I know it will be okay *sits next to you *
Y/n- there arguing over Nat like why
Jb- because I don't know *looks down*
Y/n- hey it's okay *rest your head on jb sholder*
Jb- everything's gonna be okay
*something smashes you and jb run downstairs*
Y/n- what was that
B- nothing go back to bed
Jb- we would if we could sleep
*you walk over to broken glass on the floor with a picture of your dads*
S- leave it I'll clean it
Y/n- it's okay just go to sleep
B- I'm done you can have Nat
*puts wedding ring on the table and walks out*
Jb- seriously over NAT
S- I know I know just let him cool off
*jb and Steve sit down while you pick up the glass*
Y/n- we have school tomorrow I'm going bed I'll see you tomorrow
Jb- yep me too get some sleep dad
S- night kids
*you and jb go to bed*
*next morning*
Jb- knock knock hey you awake *comes in*
Y/n- yep I can't be bothered
Jb- I know get dressed I'll meet you downstairs *he leave you get dressed into a black tracksuit and black and white vans and a messy bun*
S- morning
Jb- hey you ready
Y/n- yes let's get this over with.
S- have a good day I'll see you later
Jb- bye love ya
*at school*
Jb- your gonna be okay today
Y/n- yes don't need anymore stress though
Kei- hey girl *hugs you*
Sarah- sorry I wasn't over last night
Y/n- it's okay you didn't want to be
Jb- Sarah come on
Kei- what happened and is your phone off
Y/n- yes my phones off and dads had a massive argument and dad walked out
Jj- hey blonde
Kei- you okay tho
Y/n- yes don't need anymore stress though and hey jj
Pope- right class let's go
*at lunch you have your head on the table*
Jb- hey you okay news to talk
Y/n- nope I'm okay just hope dad comes back
Sarah- he will he won't just walk out
Y/n- he did last night
Kei- y/n have you seen rafe
Y/n- no why
Jj- oh ye hes I'm a bad mood
Jb- well if he need something he'll come here
Y/n- i don't need anymore stress
Sarah - everyone brace yourself he's coming over
kei- stop shouting
Jj- it's not the day for this honestly
Y/n- what's up rafe
Rafe- look at me for a starter
Jb- she's had a rough night rafe don't
*rafe pulls you rafe so your looking at him*
Y/n- let go what's your problem
Rafe - everyone has been trying to get hold of you
Y/n- ye well I've been busy
JB- I told you and you pushed it
Sarah- she's not dealing very well
Kei- I mean her best friend basically walked out
Rafe- I didn't know
Sarah- becaus you didn't ask
Jb- I'll go after her
*you and jb*
Y/n- I just wish he didn't walk out I'm scared he won't come back *crying*
Jb- he will I promise *sits down next to you
Y/n- I don't want him to leave because if Nat you know
Jb- I know do you wanna go home
Y/n- yep are you coming
Jb- yep I'm coming home
*you and jb walk home and walk in on your dads arguing*
S- there still her kids
B- do you love her
S- NO I love you
Jb- can we stop shouting please
*you sit on the stairs*
S - sorry why arnt you at school
Jb- one we didn't get much sleep and because we are to stressed *sits next to you*
B- how are you
y/n- oh me fab great unbelievably great
B- I'm sorry
S- no we are sorry
Y/n- are you though because you should have stayed and talked through it and you didn't y-you j-j-just got up and l-llelfy like where nothing
Jb- come here *hugs you*
B- I know I'm sorry have any of you seen Hardin
Y/n- yes he's been staying at Cole's while you have been having arguments and he's staying there's till you to learn how to grow up
S- okay well that's rude
Jb- she has a point
B- I didn't mean to hurt your feelings
Y/n- okay sure *scoff and walk to your room with jb*
Jb*im going to sleep see you in abit*leaves *
*you sleep but the way rafe grabbed your face gives you flash backs of Cole so you wake up sweating*
Jb- hey you okay *comes in
Y/n- ye - ye I'm okay when did you wake up
Jb- just now wanna go down and do something
Y/n- sure *you get up and walk downstairs and just sit on the couch opposite jb*
B- so what youse doing
Jb- nothing * goes on phone *
*steve comes in the front door*
S- is you phone always off
Y/n- pretty much why
S- I've been calling you like crazy
Y/n- I live with you what's up
S- rafes coming round
*you put your head in hamds*
Jb- what's up
B- what's happened now
Y/n- NOTHINGS HAPPENED I -I- I just can't *you start hyperventilating*
B- hey hey hey it's okay come here *hugs you*listen breathe for me listen to my breathing
Jb- y/n we need to talk
S- okay we will leave *they go upstairs*
Jb- it's when rafe grabbed you wasn't it
Y/n- the nightmares where gone and now I'm scared he's never done that before what happens if he turns into Cole *crying*
Jb- hey it's okay he won't hurt you I won't let him
*knock on the door*
S- I'll get it shall I
Rafe - are y/n and jb here
Sarah- jb is I kno that
B- don't you both have keys
Sarah- ye but we didn't know weather to use them
Y/n- I wouldn't get your hopes up *walks past eveeyone up to there room*
Rafe- okay somethings going on 100%
Jb- I mean I don't blame her she's hurt
B- she won't lisen
Sarah- you walked out your literally her best friend
S- she's not lying
Rafe- I ask if she wants to talk she says I'll tell my dad latter I'll talk to her *comes up stairs*
Jb- you messed up big time come on Sarah we can go on a walk *sarah and jb leave*
*the door opens I keep my eyes fixed on the ceiling*
Rafe- I'm sorry for shouting I should have asked *lays next to you*
Y/n- yep well what can I say people walk in and out whenever they like
Rafe- hey hey come here *you cuddle and end up falling asleep*
*you wake up at 2am over a night mare luckily don't wake up rafe so go downstairs and just sit in the kitchen*
S- hey why you up
Y/n- god you scared me
B- you didn't answer
Y/n- because I did okay
Jb- *comes in the front door*
S- where have you been
Y/n- Sarah's house
Jb- yep did you have another bad dream
B- the dreams are back and you didn't say
Y/n- when did you want me to tell you before the arguing during the arguing or after you walked out
S- okay that's not fair you can always talk to us
Jb- she had a panic attack yesterday
Y/n- thanks jb *get up and sit out back in the egg chair*
B- she hasn't had an episode in a while I dunno weather that's good or bad
S- good I think but she's really not doing good I mean we are all awake at 2 in the morning
*rafe comes down *
Rafe- has anyone seen y/n
Jb- yep out back I'm gonna warn you don't do anything stupid she's fists I'm going bed *he goes*
S- we should all go to bed when she's ready she'll come up
Rafe- okay
*you stay outside most of the night and your phones going crazy but it's in the room and rafe sees calls from a boy*
Y/n- morning
S- what time did you go to sleep
*you look down*
B- did you go back asleep
Y/n- yep for 30 minutes
Rafe-Morning y/n who is micheal
*you spit out you drink*
Y/n- what why you on my phone
Jb- it was going crazy I could hear it
B- who's it
Y/n- someone from summer camp
Rafe- no no it's NOT YOU KNOW IT
y/n- where's my phone rafe
Rafe- up stairs where you left it
*you run upstairs and lisen to a voicemail*
Hi this is Micheal I'm just here to say I miss you and you made a great impact on my life I love you see you in another realm
Y/n- wait what*try's to call no pick up*
*you call his brother*
Reed- hey ermm yep he he killed himslef
Y/n- oh no when
Reed- two weeks ago
Y/n- I'm sorry my phone was off I'll come when I can
Reed- okay see you soon
*you walk downstairs *
Jb- so
Y/n- my friend Micheal his dad was a big drinker *stand up walking towards everyone*
B- yep we know
Y/n- so party and drinking wasn't his thing
S- where's Micheal today
Y/n- oh he killed himself 2 weeks ago *locking eyes with bucky*
Rafe- I'm so sorry *hugs you with you cry*
Y/n- it's okay I'm okay I am just need to think and walk
Sarah- do you want some company
Y/n- I'll be okay *give her a small smile and walk to the beach*
*thoughts~oh why didn't you just stay for me for your brother for me mostly you idiot I loved you like a brother*
??~oh hey are you okay
Y/n- oh ye I'm fine just got some news *wipes tears*
??~im Danny
Y/n- hey I'm y/n where you from never seen you before
Dan- oh I just moved here I'm like a kook but I hate it your a pouge arnt you
Y/n- yep me and my famil extends it's amazing *you smile and talk for a while when you realise the suns going down*
Dan- need a ride
Y/n- no actually thanks anyway see you around *you walk home and walk in and it's quite so you just sit and eat for abit*
Jb- is anyone home please none be home
Y/n- just me why what's up ohhh I'm going out
Sarah- thanks
Y/n- yep do yo business then text me
*you walk towards the door when rafe comes in and you back away*

BUCKY AND STEVES DAUGHTER (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now