♡rain and questions♡

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"HUUUUH! LOOK DREAM ITS RAINING!!" His expression was scared and worried. "LETS GOOOO!" I grabbed his hand. And we ran into the rain. "Y/N STOPP I DONT WANT TO GET SICK!!" "ILL TAKE CARE OF YOU IF YOU DO KNOW COME ON!" he stopped and pulled of his huddie leaving him in a tank top."what are you doing!!" I laughed. "Getting sick." My cheeks went bright red wenn he tugged my hand pulling me closer. He then lifted me up bridel style. He then spun me around "AHHH DREAM LET ME GOOOO!" I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. We where both soaking wet and I forgot I was wearing the dress dream had given me. I felt bad since is was all wet know. "OH NO THE DRESS!" Dream looked at me and yelled "YOU STILL LOOK HOT!" He was laughing really loud. "YEAH I DO! YOOOO!" he wasn't expecting that. He put me down and I started to run around in the rain. I then ran to dream and grabbed his hand we then ran around together.i ruffledmy hair so it could fly everywhere. I grabbed both dreams hand and we spind around hand in hand. I came closer to ruffle his hair. He looked me deep in the eyes. The rain making his green eyes glow like a gem. I don't know what came over me but in that moment I kissed his nose standing on my toes so I could reach him. "You need to get home its getting late." His face was bright red and he didn't respond. "Can't i stay.." his puppy eyes where tempting but I had plans tomorrow so there was no way he could stay. "Nope not today.. ill give you a towel so you can dry of." He came down to my level and put his forehead on mein. His hot breath against my skin. He looked me in the eyes and then kissed my nose. My face went a slight pink.

{{♡Slight time skip♡}}

Dream was dry and ready to go home. I gave him his stuff and he went into the car giving me a big hug beforehand. I watched the car drive away as I rewatched our time together in my brain. My heart went crazy wenn I traist my nose where he had kissed me. I then returned back inside to lay down and rest before having to wake up early. I was on my bed and I was listening to music while eating some pasta. I got a text on my phone. It was from tecnoblade.

T: hey can we call?

Y: sureee I'm just a bit tired

We then jumped into a call and we had some small talk. " okay so I actually wanted to ask you something.." I have no idea why but my heart was beating. I hummed signaling that he could continue. "Can I come down to Orlando to visit." I squid and quackity answered "YES YES YES YES YES" he laughed and I could basically hear his smirk. We then talked about when and what we would do. We decided on 2 weeks from know. ( next chapter)

Me and tecno had been talking for a while and neither of us wanted to hang up. "Im tiered.." my voice was slow and soft since I was tiered. "Then sleeep you need it" "but I want to talk moree" he went silent for a sec. "How about this. Ill read you a story so you can fall asleep?" His voice was perfect for reading so I agreed. "Wait let me get into my pj's. "should I wear my spider man pj's!!!" I heard an excited gasp and a loud yes. I then put on my Spiderman pj's. "CAN I SEE???" I heard an excited techno say. "sure!!" I giggled "yes please god show me a cutie in Spiderman pj's." I started to laugh and I put on the face time on my phone. I then did a little pose in my swagy pj's. He was very silent for a minute. I nervously laughed thinking he was disappointed. "Jesus crist.. very cute girl in Spiderman pj's.. help."
He sounded very flustered. I started to get more tiered as I yaw and stretch my body showing my belly. "AWWW JESUS!" I heard a slight yell from my phone. I went over and asked if he was okay. "Your too fucking cute..stop." tecno was mumbling but I still could still hear him. "Aww!" This was exciting for some reason because he almost never thought something was cute. At least he didn't say so. "I think you are the most adorable person I've ever met who wasn't my sister." I swear to God my heart had melt. My cheeks where all pink and I felt butterflies.

I had turned off my camera and I had snuggled into my blanket really for my story. I had a stuffed animal in my arms and In between my thighs. He started to read..

"Once in a far off land lived a young girl who would travel to far off lands to visit dragons and elfs alike..."

My brain started to drift as a calm yet monotone voice told the story. I then finally feel asleep and I felt my body drift to dream land.

A week later

I woke up to my alarm going off wenn I rememberd i had things to do today. I got up and started to get myself ready for a very exciting meeting. I put on some stalkings a pair of shorts and a Karel huddie. I put my hair as usual in a ponytail. I was so excited for today it was crazy. But I didn't tell anyone since I want it to be a surprise. I called an uber to come pick me up and take me to my destination.

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