Chapter 19 - Lots of Paperwork

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I let Spencer get her out of the back seat. I didn't want her to see me cry, for fear it would only make things worse. We walked into the building together. As we reached the counter, the lady gave us a polite smile.

"I'm SSA Clarity Jones, and this is my colleague, SSA Dr. Spencer Reid." I said before she cut me off.

"Oh yes, your co-worker called ahead and said you were on your way. A Penelope Garcia." She stated, looking at the names in the sticky note that way on a stack of paperwork. "Just fills these out and we will get the process started." She smiled.

I toom the papers from her and walked over to a little room that was meant to look like a living room. I stopped some toys and smiled at Mackenzie and pointed to them. "Look sweetie! Why don't you go play." She didn't say a word, she just went right to playing. I took the sticky note and put it in my knee and looked at the too of the page. "Ugh." I sighed.

"What's wrong?" Spencer asked, looking at the paper.

"She gave me the wrong paperwork. This is for adopting, not putting up for adoption." I said, wiping away a tear.

He shook his head. "No, that's the right paperwork." He said, sitting back and putting an arm around me.

I shot my head up at him. "I can't adopt her!" I yelled in a whisper, not wanting Mackenzie to hear.

"Yes you can, and you are. Mackenzie, come here sweetie." He said, holding his arms out to pull her into his lap. "Do you want to come home with Miss Clarity and live?" He asked her.

"Do I get to take all my dolls and clothes?" She asked him smiling.

Reid and I both laughed. "Of course you can. We can take everything you want to take." I said to her.

"Does that mean you are gonna be my new mommy?" She asked.

"Only if you want me to be." I said, smiling at her.

"Is Spencer gonna be my new daddy?" She asked, playing with his hair as she sat in his lap.

He smiled at her and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, he looked me in the eyes and said, "Yes, if you want me to be" He smiled. My eyes grew wide but then they went straight shut as in leaned in to kiss him. "I love you Clarity." He said after I pulled back.

"So, we're going to do this together?" I asked him

"Yes we are." He said, leaning in and kissing me again. "That was always the plan. She is going to be out little one."

"But we have only even been a couple for a little under a month." I stated.

"But how long have we know how we feel about each other?" He returned. "Do you believe in love at first sight?" He asked.

"Do you." I answered his question with a question.

"Yes, I have to, because I fell in love with you the very face day you walked into the bullpen. Why do you think I always wanted to be beside you. Who was always there? Clarity, I am more ready for this than I have been for just about anything." He smiled. "And I'm scared as Hell. But if Mackenzie is what brings us closer, I want her to be ours."

"Then let's get this paper work done." I smiled, handing him half of the papers.

I quickly zoomed through all the papers and as did Spencer. After we were all done, I took them back to the woman at the desk. "You are in luck, since she is the only child in Edmond up for adoption, you can take this right over to the judge and have them fill out their part. She can be in your custody by four this afternoon.

I looked at my watch and and it said two thirty. "Thank you so much." I smiled and raced over to Reid. "Come on. We can go have the judge fill out their part and she can get her name changed. Oh wait, speaking of that who's last name is she taking?" I asked as I picked her up and rushed back to the suburban.

"Well, how about for name we just hyphen it. Jones-Reid?" He asked.

I smiled at him as I put her in the car seat. I could not get the huge smile off of my face. I was having such a great day, minus the bullet to the arm. "To the court house?" I asked.

"To the court house." He answered, leaning over and planting the sweetest of kisses on my lips. "I love you."

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