Chapter 20 - Flights

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We pulled up into the police station parking lot and found a spot easy. "You ready?" Spencer asked, grabbing my hand. I laced my fingers into his and he pulled my hand to kiss it.

"You ready Mackenzie?" I asked her.

She kicked her legs back and forth and clapped her hands. "Let's go! Let's go!" She sang.

We laughed and got out. Spencer opened the door and got her out and put her on the ground. We both grabbed one of her hands and walked to the stairs.

Opening the door, the three of us walked in, hand in hand. I could see the team in the room with a table and they all were sitting down, laughing at something Derek had said.

We reached the door and Spencer picked up Mackenzie. "Everyone, we would like you to meet the newest little member of the BAU. Mackenzie Rose Jones-Reid. Clarity's and my daughter." He smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Oh my God! That is amazing!" J.J. said, rushing to hug me. "I am so happy for you two! But why not just Reid?" She asked, taking Mackenzie in her arms.

Spencer nudged her slightly and tried to hide it, but I seen it clearly. "We don't want her to get confused because we're not married. If later on, we decide to get married, we'll drop Jones. But until then, it has a hyphen."

Spencer smiled and leaned over to kiss my cheek. "I love you." He whispered in my ear.

"I love you too Spenc." I giggled.

"And I love you both!" Mackenzie said, holding her arms out for me.

"Oh sweetheart. I am so excited for you to come home with us. We can paint your room and go shopping for new stuff and everything." I said, getting excited.

"Yay shopping!" She yelled.

"She is just like her momma." Penelope said, giving me a side hug.

"I do have one request before we leave." I said, adjusting Mackenzie on my hip.

"What is it Clarity?" Rossi asked.

"I told Mack that we could take some stuff back with her. Can we possible go and get some of her things?" I asked, nervously.

"Of course. We don't want our new little mascot going around in the same thing everyday." Hotch laughed.

"I know some people who can come help pack up her things and drive it back up to Quantico." I smiled, pulling out my phone and calling my past.

We arrived at Matthew and Sarah's house soon after I got off the phone with Jessie and Tommy. They were so excited to meet the little girl how had made me a mom. We all got out and Mackenzie stood beside me, holding my hand. "Is this her?" Tommy asked, squatting down to meet her eyes.

She ducked behind me and peeked from behind my jacket. "It's ok, honey. These are friends of mine. This is Tommy." I said as he held out a hand to shake hers. She shook his hand and whipped back behind me. "And that is Jessie." I said, pointing to the man standing in front of his truck. He waved and smiled at her.

"We are here to help you move all your stuff to your new mommy's house. Is that ok?" Tommy asked, still at eye level with her.

She nodded and finally came around to him and touched his nose. "Ok."

Derek came up from behind her and picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder. "Let's get those dollies of yours, huh?" Her said, as she laughed and kicked.

"Uncle Derek, put me down!" She said through the laughing as he tickled her. He put her down and she ran inside. Hotch had went in ahead to clear it and make sure there wasn't anyone in there that shouldn't be.

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