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(I forgot to mention that Lilith lost her eyesight when she was 5 so she is blind, she lost her eyesight in a car crash from all the toxic air. Her blindness is seeing blurs of random colours. I love all disabled people and I wish you the world😘)

I dipped my paintbrush into a cup of paint then I put it on the canvas and began to paint the ocean. I was taught by my dad how to paint so after he died in a car crash I decided to keep his legacy.

I hummed to Queen in the background and continued to paint the ocean with my blues. I was startled when there was a knock at the door.

"Come in, Mom!" I yelled as I wiped my hands off 

The door opened and turned my body a full 180 degrees "It's your amazing brother named, Aries, not mom." My younger brother says

"Not entirely my fault if I don't who  you are based on knocking" I joked

"Anyways, we got to go to school, and mom is at work so she can't drive. Which means we have to take my car!" Aries said

"Can't we just walk because I feel scared using your car?" I said

"You know we can't because if we did we may turn out like Freak house," Aries said and I sighed

"Well fine, if you insist," I say.


I was sitting in Aries car as we talked to his friends out of the car and I began to feel wired then we jumped back in.

"Yess, I got tickets for a concert," He said as he got in and I began to wonder about the freak house. My mom used the excuse on us lots of times but I never knew what happened.

"Earlier today, you mentioned freak house. Do you know what happened?" I asked as he started the car

"Oh, so this kid, named Alex Vreeke went missing and was never found. They still don't know what happened to him even to this day, 20 years to be exact. That's why we can't walk anywhere, in case something like that happens again" Aries explained as I listened and thought.


After arriving at school and having a normal day when it was time for art and I quickly grabbed my paint and paintbrushes before heading down the hall. As I was walking I feel someone run into me as I panic as I drop my stuff.

I hear a few gasps as I feel my hand shaking. What the hell did I do this time?

"How could she?"

"That's Mr Benson"

I began to piece everything together. No way. I did not just drop my paint on a teacher. I am so much trouble. "Sir- I didn't- I just- I-"

"A week's detention!"

"But sir-"

"No! I think you've done enough damage! Now clean this mess up" I look away from his voice look down

"Y-yes sir," I say. After taking about half an hour cleaning everything. I got to class and got another week of detention for being late. Safe to say I wasn't very happy

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