Chapter 2

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It's currently 11:30 p.m and the boys are still here. After me and Zayn had headed back inside all of us went to the park, bought ice cream, and came back home. We have been watching movies for about 5 hours now, Grease is still on.

Nick, my big brother, left about 2 hours ago with his girlfriend. They walked to the cinema by here. So it was just me & the boys.

Zayn had his arm rested around my shoulders & Niall had his legs draped across our laps.

" Harry just texted, " Liam said abruptly. " What'd he say? " Zayn asked and tightened his grip around me.

" He wants us to pick him up? " Liam replied slightly confused. Chills ran up my spine and worry filled my mind.

" He says he's at a club, " Liam informed and glanced at me quickly. I tried to hide the sick feeling.

" Well, I guess this is goodbye, " I mumbled and Zayn shook his head.

" Come with us, " He demanded, " we can't leave you here alone, "

" I'll be fine, Zayn, " I shot back and he stood up and pulled me up by my arm.

" You're coming with us, " he whispered and I huffed. There was no other choice, they'd never leave me here without Nick.

" Fine, " I muttered and we headed out, making sure to turn off the movie first. After I locked the door, we realized that we didn't have a car.

" We can use Nick's, " I suggested and Louis shrugged, " I'm driving, " he said and I tossed him the key.

" Shotgun! " Niall called and slipped in the passenger seat of my brother's mustang.

We filed in the back seat, me being in between Liam and Zayn.

" Everyone ready? " Louis reassured and glanced at us through the mirror. We all gave him a nod and he started the engine.

" I hope Harry's not in any trouble, " Liam said and gripped onto the door handle as we exited the driveway.

Me too, Liam, me too.

The club isn't too far from here, and I'm not ready to face him again. What will he say when he sees me, like not in a coma. Doubt he still loves me, would he ever fall again.? Nah

All these questions clogged my brain, I didn't even realize Zayn staring at me.

" Are you alright? " He whispered so only I could hear.

" No, I'm not okay, " I breathed and Zayn gave me a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

" You'll be fine, just keep your cool, " he advised and smiled.

" I'll try, " I whispered back and played with the tips of my hair. Zayn looked away and out the window again without another word.

The car fell in a somewhat comfortable silence.

• 10 minutes later •

We pulled up and parked. The club was packed at this time of night. Who knows where this idiot could be, hope he's not in any trouble . We all got out of the Mustang & louis tossed me the key.

" Hold it, " he said and I put it in my back pocket.

" We should probably call him, " Liam suggested and I shook my head 'no'.

" Lets go in, " I said and Zayn made a face.

" Press is gonna eat us alive if they find us here, " Zayn muttered and i shrugged my shoulders.

" We are here for YOUR band mate, " I told the boys and they looked at each other.

" True True, " Niall replied, putting his hands in his pockets.

" After you, Alex, " Louis said and motioned me to go inside. I took a deep breath, I didn't know what to expect anymore. I'm not even prepared for this. God, why am I here..

I guided the boys inside. The music's loud, security stood at every corner. Wow its crowded, no wonder I don't come here.

My stomach felt all mixed up, I could probably puke at any moment. Yes, I understand how disturbing that sounds but it's true.

" HEY, DOES ANYBODY SEE HARRY! " Zayn shouted through the loud music. I scanned the whole place again, nope, so sign of that idiot.

" NO! " I shouted back and covered one ear. Music this loud can't be good for you.

I turned away from the boys for a second, continuing my search for Harold. I felt a hand on my hip? It took me a moment to process the touch on my body. I looked up and found a tall teenage boy about my age, maybe a little older. Bright blue eyes, black hair.

" S-SORRY I THOUGHT YOU WERE SOMEONE ELSE! " he apologized, once again through the loud music. He caught me by surprise, what a nice lad.

" KEEP IT MOVING BUDDY " Louis stepped in, apparently he didn't hear the apology. I hadn't noticed how the boys were looking at this guy.

" NO NO LOUIS IT'S FINE, IT WAS A MISUNDERSTANDING, " I reasoned and Louis gave me an 'okay' nod and stepped aside. They continued to watch the stranger.

" I DIDN'T MEAN TO PLACE MY HAND THERE, I WAS PUSHING THROUGH THE CROWD! I'M LOOKING FOR MY SISTER! " He explained & I smiled, so sweet. A boy watching over his sister.

" OH NO, IT'S FINE, I DON'T MIND. I'M LOOKING FOR MY-MY FRIEND, " I stumbled upon my own words. My friend? Odd. I can't even consider Harry that.

" OH.. WELL, IT'S NICE TO MEET YOU, I'M JACOB! " He introduced himself. I had just noticed the small silver ring on his bottom lip.

" I'M ALEX, NICE MEETING YOU TOO. WELL I'LL BE ON MY WAY NOW! " I said, not wanting to waste anymore time. I didn't come to make friends you know.

" I'LL SEE YOU AROUND THEN " He smiled at me, naturally I smiled back. He nodded at the boys, he probably noticed their negative stares towards him. Poor lad. He jogged passed us & continued to look for his sister, so i assume.

I had a real bad feeling in my stomach. It hit me hard, once Jacob left I realized how nervous I was getting. Time was cutting itself short, i was getting closer to meeting the new Harry. The changed Harry.

My palms began to get all sweaty and nasty. All these thoughts began to run around in my head again, this can't be normal. Something bad was about to happen and I honestly can't tell what it could be.

I turned around only to find Zayn.

" Where are the others? " (still yelling) I asked & Zayn placed his left hand on my shoulder and diagonal from us. About 10 feet away from us stood Liam, Niall, Louis & oh damn ..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2016 ⏰

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