My girl

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Nathalie had came down with a really bad case of the flu and she hadn't lasted long at work since she had end up throwing up and her fever was really high which worried Gabriel.

Nathalie was curled up in bed shivering and had a basin next to her that she had already emptied three times. Duusu lay on her side table watching her very sick owner toss and turn in her bed trying to sleep. "Miss is there anything I can get you?" Nathalie turn around to look at Duusu. "N-no j-just p-p-please stay qu-quite." Duusu look more worried her owner looked exhausted. "Of course and please say if you need or want anything." "O-ok D-Duusu."

Gabriel couldn't focus and his work all he could think about was how bad Nathalie looked and how weak, tired and flushed she looked. Maybe I could go to her as Hawkmoth and take care of her so nobody will now that I went to her place. Gabriel thought to himself. So he went into his lair and transformed and went to Nathalie's making sure not to be seen.

He landed in her apartment. He had never be there before so wasn't sure where her room was so started to look around. He walked away from the kitchen and tried to find her bedroom. He found her room after trying five different rooms. Nathalie hid under the covers hearing the door open. Duusu looked over at the door to see hawkmoth enter and flew under the covers to tell Nathalie. "Miss it's just Hawkmoth." Nathalie came up from under the covers to see Hawkmoth entering the room.

Hawkmoth came over and sat at the edge of the bed. "W-what a-are you d-doing h-here?" "I was worried about you, you looked awful when you left." Hawkmoth lay on the bed and put Nathalie on his chest. "A-aren't you g-going to t-transform b-back?" "Not till you fall asleep."
Nathalie wasn't herself and was kinda delirious so curled up on his chest and soon fell asleep.  "Nooroo dark wings fall." Hawkmoth whispered it so he didn't wake up Nathalie. He began to gently stroke her hair. Duusu watch her sick owner get comforted by Gabriel. Duusu was curled up with Nooroo. Nooroo had his arms rapped around Duusu. "My poor little peacock." Gabriel said under his breath. Gabriel soon fell asleep with Nathalie on his chest.

An hour later

Nathalie woke up and started to shake Gabriel. "Mmmm what is it?" "I-I fell s-sick." Gabriel scoped up Nathalie and took her to the bathroom which he accidentally walk into early. He knelt her down in front of the toilet and gently rubbed circles on her back, Nathalie began to throw up into the toilet. After she stop she hugged Gabriel. "Do you want to go back to bed?" "No I s-still f-fell l-like I'm g-going to s-sick." "Ok dear just say when you want to go back to bed." Nathalie curled up into Gabriel's arms felling week, tired and cold, Gabriel had rapped his arms around her.

30 minutes later

Nathalie had thrown up a couple more times and was now back in Gabriel's arms. "C-can we g-go back t-to bed p-please." "Of course dear."
Gabriel picked up Nathalie and laid Nathalie back into her bed. "Do you need anything dear?" "Can I h-have s-some water and a-another blanket?" "Of course." Gabriel went to get her some water and grab a blanket from one of the cupboards. He came back and rapped her in the blanket and gave her the water. Nathalie took a sip before sitting it down and curling up in her bed, Gabriel sat down on the bed and gently ran his fingers through her hair before Nathalie rapped her arms around his waist and put her head on his lap before continuing to run his fingers through her hair.


Sorry that this one is shorter than usual.

Gabenath one shot/ miraculous Where stories live. Discover now