My boy

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3rd person POV

Adrian had been sent home from school after he had thrown up, and came down with a fever. He was now in bed and since Gabriel wouldn't take care of him it was Nathalie that was left to it.

Adrian's POV

I hate this my body is in agony, my through burns and my stomach's in nots. At lest Nathalie's here she's always been here she was the one that convinced my father to let me go to school, I wouldn't have any other friends except Chloe if it wasn't for her and she has been more of a parent than both my mum and dad, dad was always busy with work and mum was away filming but Nathalie seemed to always have time for me. "Adrian dear could you let me take your temperature?" Nathalie's soft voice said from the left side of me where she was sat on the edge holding a thermometer. I nodded before she handed it to me, I popped it in my mouth waiting for the beeb. It beeb and I practically spat it out and covered my ears, it hurt it was to loud.

I watched as Nathalie picked it up and a look of pity appeared on Nathalie's face. "Adrian I'll be right back ok." I nodded before she went in the bathroom.

My stomach cramp all of a sudden causing me to clutch my stomach and curl up in a ball. I felt like I was going to throw up again but I couldn't move it hurt to much, luckily Nathalie came out just then with a cold cloth and had noticed that I was going to throw up, she quickly grabbed the basin and placed it under my chin, rubbing my back and sat me up slightly. I began to throw up, it only made the burning worse and tears started to form at the edge of my eyes.

Nathalie's POV

I hated seeing Adrian like this, it broke my heart especially when he was younger and wouldn't stop asking for his mum or dad. Once he'd stopped he practically fell back into my arms, I pull him close softly stroking his hair before placing the cloth on his head. "Adrian I'm just going to go empty the basin ok?" Adrian nodded slowly, I went and emptied it out in the bathroom before returning and sitting on the edge of the bed next to Adrian.

Adrian's POV

I crawled over to Nathalie and hugged her waist putting my head on her lap, I felt her softly stroke my back it was nice I wished she was my mum. "Adrian is there anything I could do for you?" "N-no just stay." "Ok." Nathalie then pulled me up so I wasn't so flat and pulled me close to her chest. "I hate this." "I know. Do you want to get some sleep?" "Yeah." I curled up on Nathalie's lap she really was like a mum to me but there's nothing I can do to change my father's mind. I soon fell asleep

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