Its all fun and games until

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The next day of the camping trip

Today they were moving camp sites the were currently in the woods but they were going to walk 9/10 miles to a near by river and spend two days there. They packed up their tents and made sure the fire was completely out and started walking. They spilt into small groups subconsciously. Vic dean and jack in the front Maya Andy and Travis in the middle and Ben and Robert not far behind. They were all having separate Conversations until Travis spoke up.

T: "what I wanna know is when it all started"

He said it loudly so everyone could hear. They were all confused on what he meant.

B: "when what started?"

Travis looked over and Robert them at Andy and said

T: "surrera. All we really know is the fact that you to got together then got married that's about it"
A: "want do you want to know"
T: "when did it first happen was it passion and romance or sweet and cuddly or did one of you just asked the other on a date and went from there?"
A: "well"
D: "come on Herrera I'm intrigued now"
R: "it started off as romance and passion I guess"
A: "then down poured to hatred"
V: "um"
A: "lots of hate. Then went back to I don't know normal dating I guess. Just in secret"
J: "when did you move out like unofficially I mean"
A: "about two weeks before my dad died"
R: "about a week before we got married"
B: "wait so you two were married a week before your dad died when didn't you tell us then. It was no longer against the rules"
A: "quite frankly I was scared to tell you because I didn't know how you would react  it's one thing to tell you I was dating the battalion chief it was another to tell you I married him"
R: "and you guys were never fond of me from the start"
D: "dam know I feel like shit"
T: "sorry we ever made you feel like you couldn't tell us"
B: "wait you two were married three weeks before you told us"
A: "yeah"
V: "I feel like a shit family"
A: "it all worked out for the best In the end no matter when we told you"
T: "please tell me you two have never done it at the station"
A: "not on shift we haven't"
J: "really"
V: "your one to talk jack"
J: "actually yeah I'm just gunna shut up"
M: "I wanna know how many of us have had sex at the station"
V: "me with ripley"
T: "me with grant"
J: "me you with well you know"
M: "also me"
R: "can't believe I'm saying yes"
A: "yes but with three different people which is kind of embarrassing"
B: "whose the third"
A: "Ryan, when we were teenagers"
V: "teenagers !?!?"
M: "how old were you"
A: "I was 14 when I lost my virginity"
J: "14 are you serious"
A: "yeah well me and Ryan had been dating each other for 4 years by that point, but if you ever see my dad in heaven I was 17"
M: "he seriously believed you were 17"
A: "I think he wanted to believe"

They carried on walking for many miles until they came up to a clearing where they saw the lake they set up there tents. They all got in there swimsuits them thinking they were just going to sit by the side of the lake and sunbath but Travis had other ideas. He ran behind vic and lifted her off the ground by her waist whilst she was screaming to put her down and he threw he into the lake everyone started laughing at her as she scrambled and screamed.

V: "I hate you"

Soon Andy ran behind Travis and pushed him in with her everyone started cheering.

V: "Andy I love you"

Jack and dean ran up being Maya grabbed her arms and chucked her in with them Robert then ran behind Andy lifted her bridal style before throwing her in.


She screamed very loudly

A: "you asshole"

Robert just stood there laughing at her then dean and jack ran behind him with their arms on his back.

D: "we need permission Andy"
A: "oh please throw him in"

Robert resisted as much as possible but eventually both jack and dean pushed him in with a little help for Ben then Ben jack and dean all jumped in. They were all swimming and splashing each other especially those who pushed  them in.

M: "anyone up for a swimming race"
A: "count me in I'm fast"
T: "I'm fast as well"
D: "50 bucks says Andy wins"
B: 50 bucks saying Travis will win"
M: "ok vic you go be the finishing line jack will be the starting line"

Andy and Travis lined up next to each other given yesterday they were partners in Mayas game and now they were against each other made them laugh.

J: "ready set go"

They both swam pretty fast against the current Robert dean and Maya were screaming for Andy, Ben jack and vic screaming for Travis. They were getting close to the finishing line where vic and Robert where waiting for them, it was close until the very last second where Andy just pushed forward winning her the race. She jumped into Robert's arms almost causing him to almost drown. Robert was grinning for ear to ear Andy was celebrating loudly she grabbed on to Robert's neck and kissed him for a few seconds the whole team laughing while Travis splashed water on them.

A few hours went by the team and made them dinner and went to bed. Since Robert and Andy were pretty tired they just fell asleep until they were awoken along with the rest of the team with the wind and rain starting to pick up around them . Outside Travis' tent blew up off the ground and the only thing holding it down was him. Dean and vic came out of theirs tents and went to help Travis meanwhile in Robert and Andy's tent the wind was a familiar noise for them both. Neither of them wanted to get out of there tent. Then all of a sudden the tent flipped over on the side causing Andy to roll face first against the floor. She heard Robert's breathing start to change it started to become heavier and more rapid. Andy turned around and saw the fear in his eyes she cupped his face.

A: "Robert look at me. We're ok. We are save"

His breathing did not change he started to bowl over Andy got closer to hold him up.

A: "Robert look at me we are save but I need you to breath ok follow my breathing"

They heard screams from outside the tent and a loud thump which made Robert's breathing worse.

Next part soon for marthe

Station 19 camping tripWhere stories live. Discover now