Chapter 8

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So they were close. Really close. But no matter how close they got, Louis still had that underlying urge to punch him in the face and he still didn't know why.

They were partners for Stan's class again and Harry was diligently working while Louis doodled in the margins. He was in the middle of sketching out a lizard when Harry startled him from his peace.

"What are you doing this Saturday?" He asked, eyes not leaving the paper and the pencil in his hand not ceasing.

"Probably nothing, why?" Louis replied, voice wavering just a tad. If Harry ever wanted to hang out, he'd text Louis. He never asked in person. Asking someone to hang out in person seemed too official.

"How do you feel about hiking?"

Louis dropped his pencil and looked at him incredulously. Harry looked up and smirked at his expression.

"Hiking?" Louis asked in disbelief. "Me? Hiking?"

"That settles it," Harry said, getting back to their work. "You're coming with me to Tioga Falls."


As if it weren't enough that Louis was wearing running shoes and accompanying Harry on this hiking trip, he was expected to be out of bed and ready by 8 A.M. on a Saturday. He'd put up a good fight, but Harry had won in the end, using that time Louis called him up at four in the morning to ask if he could microwave chipotle bowls. Harry had hung up and forced Louis to 'look it up.' Google had said no.

Harry was waiting outside of Louis' house in his sleek black Range Rover at eight sharp. Louis made him wait a few minutes just out of spite.

"About time," Harry grumbled when Louis opened the passenger door. Louis gasped and held a hand to his chest.

"Well good morning to you, too, princess," Louis bit back. "You know, you are so ungrateful. I could have just said no. I would have been much happier all cozy in bed, sleeping until two like I do every Saturday."

"Okay, whatever, then go back to bed," Harry replied with a shrug.

His heart sank slightly at the serious clip to Harry's tone. Louis' had obviously been kidding, but that must have gone over Harry's head.

He turned to leave but Harry grabbed his forearm and pulled him back into the car. Louis tried his best to suppress his smile.

"That's what I thought," he mumbled as Harry pulled away from the curb.

The drive to the Tioga Falls trail from Crescent Hill was only about forty minutes on a regular day. However, Harry decided halfway there that he was hungry and pulled into a McDonald's. Louis scolded him, but was silently grateful considering his stomach had been growling for ten minutes prior.

Harry parked in a spot that overlooked the main road so that they could eat. He had advised Louis to order something small (for what reason, Louis wasn't sure), so they each got a happy meal. They watched as cars drove past, most of them probably on their way to work. Louis had always liked people-watching. The feeling of knowing that everyone around him had their own complex and interesting life was as humbling as it was eerie.

"Aw," Harry cooed suddenly from beside him. "Look at the puppy!"

Louis followed Harry's line of vision and saw a woman walking a shaggy white dog down the sidewalk. He frowned.

"Harry, that dog looks like it died five years ago," he said, his voice trailing into laughter when Harry glared at him.

They continued to watch as people walked by. A homeless man with a cardboard sign slowly hobbled down the side of the road and Harry waved him over.

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