Chapter 21

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Ushijima's POV

There is no telling if (Y/n) told Semi about what I did, but knowing how close they are is most likely she did. I don't blame her I acted inappropriately towards her. There is no doubting she'll trust me but I need her too. I can't let her go. I've come this far just for me to come closer to her.

I went online and checked places where is mostly just abandoned buildings. I did had to choose my words wisely and not type in something that will sound out of the line.

I quickly jot down some locations on a piece of paper and quickly exited it out. I know doing things won't matter or take impact on investigation but just to clean up a little I deleted my browser history and any intel of my research.

I got up slipped on my grey hoodie, grabbed my white sneakers, black bag pack, and my other essentials and quickly head out.

Tendou was still sleeping which is no surprise. He was always a burden to wake up for early morning practice.

I walked down the hallway through the stairs out the exit.

It started to get cold outside, good thing I brought my sweater with me. A lot of people were heading out as well some were with their significant other, some were with their friends, some were rushing out while on the phone waiting for a cab.

I walked through the streets passing down gas stations and small local stores.

I quickly got on the bus and head my way into one of the locations. It was far but not too much a rural area you could say. Once I got there I had to walked in order to see what I've been looking for. An abounded house. I got closer and quickly moved some weeds and broken wood panels out of the way. I opened the door and entered inside. The place was dusty and it definitely seen better days but is not as bad as I thought.

At the entrance you could see the kitchen on the right and a dining table right next to it. I walked further and went left where there is the living room. The couches were a light tan colored as I uncovered the thick white plastic sheet off.

This might not seem ideal but it will do.

For the next four hours I spend cleaning the house by removing any broken wood panels and clearing out the dust. I head upstairs and went to each bedroom and bathroom. The good thing is that the house already came with furniture is not perfect but it'll do.

Once I finished I head out to the nearest grocery store and bought food that I know will last long. I also bought any other essentials that we needed toothpaste, clothing, medicine, bandages, pregnancy test all those things.

I shoved some of the items on my empty back pack then went back to the abandon house.

I needed a way for me to transport her here just in case I need too, hopefully it won't come to that.

I do have an idea and that is to use my dads old car. I do know how to drive but is not something we are required to do especially since I stay at a dorm. In order to do that I do need her to come to my place.....

......but first I need to head back.

A few moments later

"Hey where have you been man?.....I thought we head practice I was about to shit my pants knowing if I'm late."

"Sorry to worry you Tendou, and no we don't have practice."

"It's okay....but still where have you been I didn't even hear you leave?"

"I had somewhere to be non-important."

I walked towards my desk and sat down then pulled out my homework worksheets. I heard Tendou climbing down from his bed.

"Wakatoshi I don't know what's going on but Is everything alright with you?"

"Yes, why wouldn't I be."

"Well for starters you've seeing someone and I had to find out in a not so pleasant way. Second you've been asking me weird questions and acting strangely especially around Semi."

Dam it he noticed that. I underestimated you Tendoui gotta say, " I didn't feel necessary to tell. I was just curious after all I am a teenage shouldn't I act like one." Is sometimes nice to think about something that is not just volleyball. " As for Semi....I don't really enjoy the idea of him dating someone. You know what happened to Yamagata while he was dating, completely distracted, it was worse after their breakup. I want was best for my team."

"Yeah but still we deserve some happiness to be with someone...and aren't you seeing someone as well."

"You do have a point there. Perhaps I'm being irrational.."

"say um....(f/n) was talking to me about what's happening to (y/n)."

I looked back at Tendou, " really about what?"

"Some of her things are missing. She feels like she's being followed and watched....Wakatoshi I know I shouldn't really ask this. You're my friend but........that night.......where were you when (b/n) was mysteriously murdered?"

I knew she was trouble she's always with (y/n) I shouldn't be so shocked," I was at my moms house I got a call from my father earlier and I guess that brought back memories so I went to grab my old volleyball and decided to practice a little. It felt nostalgic being there. Than you messaged me about my whereabouts. But with (f/n) being sick I decided to stay at (y/n)'s dorm knowing she has an extra bed for me to sleep. I thought I told you this already what's with the questioning?"

" reason.....I just........*sigh* no no you're right yo-you told me I'm just being obscured."

"Is there something wrong?"

" nothing is wrong. I guess with everything going on everyone is up on there feet. Strange...but you know what they say strange things happen all the time."

"Yes. Yes it does."

"Hey Wakatoshi that girl that you're seeing is it the same one where you fell in love. Remember a long time ago you told me about what you were feeling and I told you you felt love. Is it her? Just curious."


"Can you tell me who?"

"No...I want to keep it on the down low for now."

"Will you tell me someday?"

"Someday?'ll find out someday."

I need to check the car I need to see if is still manageable.

"Um look Wakatoshi when you asked me that question, about love, and I lend you a story I'm reading, about Yandere . It was a joke don't really ask those things before....but that's not how it works I'm just telling you this because well you are you and...not that I don't have faith in you is just don't follow what that man was doing is just a story that's all."

Right...... a story." I know Tendou there is no need to worry."

You gave me an answer when I asked you. I got resources and I used them there is no turning back now.

But I do have to thank you for it.

Tomorrow I need to go check. With the fundraiser going on I will be able too.

Everything will go perfect.

I can't get you out of my head.

You are all I need.

We'll be together don't worry (y/n) I'll never leave your side.

I'll guarantee you that. I promise.

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