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Art = MINE


Tri hated the fact she could feel every cycle. The buildings ached and swayed while Viewers aimlessly walked until they found a TV screen to ogle at.

She wasn't sure how far the depressing atmosphere went in the world, but it was clearly stronger the closer you got to the signal tower. How more distorted the surroundings were in the maze like structures, and how time seemed to slow down.

The pale, freckled girl was staring at a mirror, which was faced towards the signal tower.

Over the years she learned that the tower could be watched through reflective surfaces. What are the odds right?

A small shrill snapped Tri back into reality, as a small hand tugged at her wore school uniform.

It was in a desperate need to be replaced.

Tri glanced down at the small nome that's followed her ever since she arrived. Some time after she encountered The Hunter. They've found a way to communicate in a way by using loose hand gestures.

"Everything- uhh, ok Cly?" Her thick London accent calmed the nomes nerves as he continued to tug at her uniform.

"Ok ok I'll- food? Water?" Tri rubbed her stomach, then mimicked drinking a liquid.

Cly head up two fingers.

"Ok, if you want you can stay here until I get back?" She patted the ground.

A small nod.

Tri nodded and tugged on a small worn cloak she pieced together herself.

"I'll be back soon, ok Cly? Stay safe."

Carefully balancing along the window ledge, Tri grabbed a branch with a hook on one end and began to climb down the apartment buildings.

When she reached the cold ground, the sight of Viewers startled her. They hadn't been around these parts in a long while.

Moving quick and quietly, Tri jolted down the alleyways, making her way towards an old grocery store. Her short, ebony brown hair bounced with her frantic steps, and bare feet distorted the puddles of water at her feet.

Frantic eyes observed her surroundings, anxiously avoiding the stares of Viewers.

Climbing up a few boxes, Tri tumbled into the store, cursing at making more noise.

Rolling into her side, she pulled herself up, eyeing the stalls of stacked shelves.

There was a lot.

Locating a small bag, Tri made her way to the food isles. She grabbed a bit of everything.

By the time she was done, a few Viewers had made there way inside the store.

"Damnit-" Tri cursed, closing the bag and bolting for the way she came through. Of course a TV just had to turn on nearby where she was. Just her luck.

"For Gods sake-!"

Taking a chance, Tri climbed up the shelves and jumped to the window. Hauling herself over the railings to escape the Viewers grasp.

She could feel their fingers blush against her legs as she tumbled to the cement floor.

Without a second thought, she booked it back to her hideout with Cly.


When she finally made it, her face was bright pink in exhaustion. Cly was by her side in an instant, most likely concerned.

"I-I'm ok, don't worry don't worry just- that was way to close for comfort..."

With shaking hands, Tri pulled out everything she got from her little outing. Two large bottles of water, chips, some sausage, and a box of sandwiches.

Carefully uncapping the bottle, the brunette grabbed two cups and poured them both a glass of water.

Cly happily grabbed the glass and started drinking, or well- pouring the water over himself.

Snorting softly, Tri raised her own glass.

"To.. to surviving, staying alive."

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