my soul my love

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This letter is written as a part of participating in a contest hosted by Wattpad Romance.

And these feelings and thoughts are purely fictitious. This has nothing to do with me or my concept of Love.

These thoughts are of a character named Hyçintha from one of my unpublished works.

This is one of my first works as well , so, Please don't judge me after reading this. As a practice for writing romantic fiction I took a painful initiative to write this.

Even I was astounded by the way this letter and Hycintha's thoughts turned out.

And this is dedicated to Hycintha and her invisible lover.

Thank you ,continue reading...

I am Hycintha, I Believe ardently in the idea of soulmate, Twin flame to be precise.

I am Hycintha, I Believe ardently in the idea of soulmate, Twin flame to be precise

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I am writing this to you my heart and soul. You may be somewhere else in this world oblivious of my existence. But my heart and soul always yearned to see you.This is a letter written by my soul to your soul. .from your Hycintha

To my very reason for existence....♥ ♚ ♥

I dunno how to begin , only thing I know is I love you immensely

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I dunno how to begin , only thing I know is I love you immensely. You are the very reason why I am still tied to this filthy world or else I would have find my way to another world not maiming or scarring anyone's mind.

Ever thought such a girl exist for you just like I think of you. No way, but there is a way. As you are my Twin flame, there is a chance for such crazy ideas. But I am not bubbling up my spirits thinking like that.

I dunno how you look or how good or bad a person you are. But I love you with all I am worthy of.

I still am waiting for you. I dunno anything about you. But I always get to feel your existence.yes I know you are somewhere there. But are you also waiting for me like I am waiting for you.

♥♡♥Letter To My  Twin Flame♥♡♥Where stories live. Discover now