5. The Business lunch.

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I looked around the dark, damp forest for any sign of human life, a hot searing pain twisted through my body and I winced in pain. My leg was injured. I was soaked through to the bone and it hurt to even move. 


I whipped my head around at the sound, what was that? I tried desperately to crawl away, but my strength failed me. 

A dark shadow stood over me and my vision started to go blurry. 

"Someone save me please." Those were my last words before I gave in and fainted.


Again the stupid nightmare had taken hold of any sleep I had in me and ripped it right out of my body. I had stayed up until two last night preparing for the presentation, and the lateness of the night and the before mentioned nightmare made it impossible for me to get any sleep. I was starting to think that this was an omen trying to warn me about something. 

I glanced at the clock as I pulled on my outfit for the day, a plain white blouse paired with a black and white striped skirt. 9:00. I was going to be late. I styled my hair into a loose braid and applied a light layer of makeup. I was too late to think about breakfast.


I rushed into the lobby panting and frantically pressed the elevator button. Rey sat at his desk, his slender arms crossed across his chest a look of suppressed amusement spread over his face. 

"What's the rush?" His voice bounced off the glass walls creating an echo.   

"I'm late and this damn elevator won't come!" I pressed the button a few more times and the bell dinged alerting me of the arrival of the elevator. "And speak of the devil."

I waved at Rey before getting into the elevator and pressing the 8th-floor button. 

Rina who had just arrived at her workstation mouthed "Good morning" to me as I passed on my way to Mr. Agrawal's office. 

It turned out that my rushing was for not because Mr. Agrawal was standing in front of his office door when I arrived. 

"Why are you so early?" 

I leaned against the wall of his office and caught my breath, "I thought I was late." 

He stared at me for a moment before his eyebrows flew together, "In my office now!" He growled. 

I rolled my eyes, why was he so bi-polar? I hated having to walk on eggshells around him, I mean dude, pick an emotion and stick to it! 

I walked into his office and he motioned for me to take a seat. While he rummaged around his desk for god knows what, I had a chance to take a good look at his office. 

The design of the office was sleek and modern. The walls were painted metallic silver and were bare except for a stock painting of a field covered in flowers. A small area of the office was sectioned off into a meeting area with leather couches and a small glass coffee table. Mr. Agrawal's desk, made of glass, of course, was covered in files and discarded papers giving it a homely lived-in look, but like the walls no pictures or sentimental objects adorned it.

Everything in the office had a sharp metallic look as if one wrong step would be fatal, and I was left wondering if that might be true. Mr. Agrawal certainly looked and acted like the type of person who could care less about anyone but himself. But then again I could say that about everyone who worked in this company. The pace was fast and everyone only wanted to do one thing: impress. With that goal in mind, no one had time to slow down and help someone who was drowning, no that would be fatal. I couldn't judge though, because no matter how much I denied it verbally, the truth was that I was there to impress too. Impress Mr. Agrawal with my smarts, impress Rey with my beauty and even impress Rina with my fashion sense. That's just the way the world works. 

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