Chapter 1

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"Go get the car ready

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"Go get the car ready. I'll throw the match."

Riko nods before running away towards the parking in front of the drug warehouse. 

I keep my emotions checked, knowing the outcome of this and knowing very well what will be awaiting me when I leave out of this. 

I don't usually do this but today, today is the day I have been planning and here I am causing havoc that my father might have to handle himself. 

I am supposed to be titled a perfect princess, a housewife ready to be snatched by some old men in the Camorra. A decided fate that I cannot change even if I gave it my whole power. Fighting this, an arranged marriage, is not something I will be able to do as long as I am living in the dark world. 

So, I am taking full advantage of this situation before anything happens. Well, part of the plan.

I look up at the tall warehouse where the Washington's Capo's drug testing warehouse is. Sitting at its tall glory with the gloomy dark bricks and the carboard sealed windows, the front doors made of heavy steel for safety measures. Two guards stand there right in front of the doors holding their guns in their hands, AK-47s to be exact. They have clean shots but this time they won't survive because guns won't be able to help them.

Taking out a box of matches from my jean's pocket, I lift my black bandana over my noise and take a match out before lighting it up. 

Oil has been spilled around the deserted property that is surrounded by mass of trees. It's peaking midnight, the clock about three minutes away from striking the time of death of an unfortunate underboss who sadly died in a fire while at his warehouse.

My eyes glow under the soft golden red colour of the match burning. Slowly running out of purpose as it lights itself on fire to work. 

Peering down at the oil that is pooling around my combat boots, I step back just as I drop the lit match in the oil.

The flames blare, a monstrous sight, seeing the flames quickly wrap around the side of the warehouse before picking up on the side and slowly travelling up towards the windows, walls and any place that could catch fire. 

I take quick steps back just as the familiar roar of an open jeep reaches my ears. 

My eyes dart around trying to see if the guards escaped. They didn't. There is a wooden fence in front that has caught fire too trapping them through the only exit that there is.

But they can hear the voice of the jeep. Being too engrossed with fear and the spiking adrenaline to survival, they don't notice.

I turn around before running towards Riko who has the car ready but something catches my jacket pulling me slightly back.

I look back to see it stuck to a random branch of the tree I was standing close by to.

Stupid branch.

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