Chapter 4

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Tae sat posing on a couch in a lounging position with his shirt unbuttoned half-way. Mari wondered if he ever got tired of being on that side of the camera when he would much rather be the one taking the pictures. In fact, he had told her over hot chocolate that morning that if he were not a K-pop star, he would like to be a photographer.

"OK, Tae, let's have you button up again and we'll get a few more shots like that," shouted the head photographer. Tae got up and walked to the side of room and began to button his shirt. He stopped at the second button and ran toward Mari.

"This button is loose," he said, signaling toward the offending button.

"If you want something done right, do it your own damn self," Mari muttered.

"Excuse me?" asked Tae, surprised at Mari's colorful vocabulary.

Mari smiled, "Nothing. It's just that I left the buttons for one of the interns to do. If I had done them, they wouldn't be loose because I don't half-ass things."

"OK, then," said Tae, smiling. "Well, I didn't mean to ruin your day. I just need this button tacked down."

"No, it's fine," she said.

"Do you need me to take it off?" he asked. As much as Mari might have liked that, she knew she could fix the button with this shirt still on.

"No, you're good. I can do it while you have it on," she said. She reached into her bag and pulled out some white thread. She unspooled a long piece and cut it with her teeth, quickly threading the needle. She reached inside his shirt and pulled it slightly toward herself. As she moved the needle in and out, she would brush against Tae's smooth chest. She could feel his pulse quicken each time she inadvertently touched him. His warm breath near the top of her head made her scalp tingle. When she finished, she reluctantly pulled away from him, but he swept her up in his arms and planted a kiss on the top of her head. Mari looked around anxiously, hoping no one had seen the stolen moment.

"Get on out there before they have to come looking for you," she teased, giving him a little slap on the back to send him on his way. He was soon back in front of the camera, posing as he was instructed. Mari could see his exhaustion. This was a marathon shoot, requiring a mix of solo shots and group shots along with many wardrobe changes. Although he sighed wearily from time to time, he would always bring his ready smile when the photographer required it.

Mari was lost in thought as she watched him. She didn't hear her boss Mr. Sung coming up behind her. She jumped when he tapped her on the shoulder.

"I need to speak with you outside, please," he said in his signature monotone voice.

"Sure," said Mari, bringing a cup of coffee with her as they stepped outside.

Mr. Sung looked uncharacteristically nervous as his eyes darted about, looking for something to focus on that wasn't her. He cleared his throat loudly.

"It has come to my attention that your relationship with Kim Taehyung may be of a personal nature," he said stiffly, as if the very words would somehow taint him.

Mari chose to remain silent since she really had no viable defense anyway. Mr. Sung took her silence as an admission of guilt and proceeded.

"You know our policy on personal relationships with our clients," he said. "Do I need to read that segment of your contract or do we pretty much understand each other?"

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