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Jonah- Geez, I know you're pissed at me for mentioning your mom like that, but we have a project to finish. 

Jonah- C'mon, Mel, I was just joking. I didn't think you would get so upset. You were cool about it before. 

Jonah- I don't need another zero in English. Let's get this project done. It's due tomorrow.

Jonah- Fine. Guess I can just tell Principal Hefner about your addiction tomorrow morning. 

Mel- I've already done the assignment and put your name on it. Stop texting me. 

Jonah- I'm sorry for insulting her like that. 

Mel- This number is no longer available. Contant AT&T for support tips.

Jonah- You spelled 'contact' wrong, genius.

Jonah- I broke up with Lyssa.

Mel- Well, whoop-dee-doo. You did the most basic, human act. You deserve a Nobel Peace Prize.

Jonah- You were right. This also means you don't have leverage over me. 2-0, Park. 

Mel- Give me your email so I can send you the speaking points.

Jonah- ILoveBigBoobs@gmail.com.

Five minutes later

Jonah- Okay. It's HillyBoy548@gmail.com.

Mel- That's a stupid email address. 

Jonah- You're a stupid email address

Mel- That makes no sense. I just sent the email. 

Four minutes later

Jonah- I would never say 'idiosyncratic.'

Mel- I don't care. If you don't like it, dumb it down for yourself.

Jonah- But what about the end of the book? It's not covered in my part?

Mel- It's in mine. I'll talk about it, so don't worry your pretty little head. 

Jonah- Yeah, I am pretty gorgeous, aren't I?

Twenty-two minutes later

Jonah- Guess I left you speechless. 'Night.

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