Part 1

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(Your powers: Electricity, Telekinesis, Ice, Flight, and both of Lavagirl and Sharkboy's powers)

(Nobody's Pov)

Y/n was sleeping when Guppy dumped water over her 

"Guppy!" She yelled sitting up 

"Mommy and Daddy want you downstairs," Guppy said walking out 

"That's another sheet to dry," Y/n whispered getting out of bed 

She opened her curtains before grabbing something to change into

She opened her curtains before grabbing something to change into

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Y/n grabbed her bag and walked downstairs 

"Morning, Sage," Lavagirl said with a smile

"Morning," She replied 

"Did Guppy ruin your sheets again?" Sharkboy asked 

"Yep, what was so urgent?" Y/n asked 

"You need to come on this mission with us," Lavagirl answered 

"Then it must be serious," Y/n said 

"It is. Get your suit on and let's go," She replied 

Y/n sighed and ran upstairs to get her suit on 

(Y/n aka Sage's Pov)

Once I put my suit on I grabbed my phone and walked back downstairs 

"I'm ready!" I yelled

"Great, wait in the car for us," Mom said 

I nodded and grabbed Guppy before walking to the car. 

"Ready?" Mom asked getting in the car after dad 

"Ready," I answered and he started driving

We started heading towards headquarters while I looked out the window to see an alien ship with ship things coming out of it

"Alright, we're here. Guppy be good we love you," Mom said hugging Guppy 

"Bye Guppy," I said hugging her before she left for the schoolroom 

(Wild Card's Pov)

"And then there's our fearless leader Wild Card...There's not a single power in the world he doesn't have," Wheels said approaching me with Missy following him

"True," I replied smiling until Facemaker put his hand on my shoulder

"Sure he has every power imaginable but since he can't focus his energy they show up randomly," Facemaker said 

"Also true...Until now that is. Teleport!" I yelled but the book in front of me lit on fire just as my phone rang. I looked at my phone and in a panic, I made sure Sage couldn't see the fire before picking up her facetime call 

"H-Hey Baby," I stuttered 

"Hey! Uhm are you okay?" Sage asked 

"Y-Yeah," I answered smiling nervously 

"Sorry I can't come to the schoolroom right now because of a mission but I'll be there as soon as possible," She said

"O-Okay take your time!" I confirmed 

"Anyways, I wanted to ask you. Do you remember what today is?" Sage asked 

"No, I know it's not your birthday so I guess it's just a normal day," I answered and her smile faded 

"Why do I see a reflection of a fire in your eyes?" She asked 

"O-Oh it's nothing," I stuttered raising her suspicion 

"If it's nothing then show me," She said 

"I-It's just something silly," I replied laughing nervously 

"Show me," Sage repeated 

"I-It's something boring," I said 

"Turn the damn phone around," She whispered and I sighed before showing her the fire just as Guppy put it out 

"And last but definitely not least Guppy," Wheels said turning to her while Sage facepalmed 

"Who were you trying to prove wrong this time?" Sage asked 

"Facemaker..." I whispered

"Baby...I know you want to prove you can control your powers but it takes time. Focus on your powers instead of proving people wrong," She replied before Wheels spoke up

"Sage, meet Missy," He said as I put my phone on the wet book to keep it standing 

"Hey! Sorry this isn't the proper introduction," Sage said smiling 

"Don't worry about it," Missy confirmed smiling back before I grabbed my phone again

"I have to go it's time for the mission. Bye, tell Guppy I said hello. Love you both!" Sage said 

"Bye, babe!" I replied blowing a kiss before she hung up 

(Y/n's Pov)

'I can't believe he doesn't remember today is our anniversary' I thought before walking out with everyone  

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