Part 5

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"Noodles, stretch and make yourself tall," Missy told him while she closed the door

Noodles stretched to make himself look older "Greetings, fellow grown-ups," He said in a deep voice

"I can't believe we're doing this," Wild Card whispered

"You'd rather be captured by aliens?!" I whispered

We then heard an alarm go off and we all ran. Missy bumped into someone which just so happened to be Ms. Granada she panicked and ran as Ms. Granada said "Seal the doors" to one of the guards. We ran to the lobby nearly getting to the door when the doors shut completely.

"We're in trouble," Guppy said and we tried running another way but we were surrounded. 

"That was our only exit!" Missy yelled

"Not our only one" Wildcard replied pointing at the ceiling 

"How are we suppose to get up there?" Fast Forward asked

"A Capella? You made furniture float. Can you do the same with people?" Missy asked her

"To go up high, I have to sing very low" She sang making some of the guards float up forming a staircase

"Climb as fast as you!" Wild Card yelled climbing up

I looked at A Capella and flew up to the hatch. I grabbed the handle and opened it before flying through with Wild Card following me. We ran to the tram with everyone following us

"Don't let them follow us!" Missy yelled 

A Capella sang again making the guards fall while I tried to open the door but it was really tight

"Noodles, access cards!" Wild Card yelled and Noodles swiped the card. We all ran inside and sat down in exhaustion 

"We did it," Fast Forward said 

"Yeah, we did it," Missy agreed 

"But the tram will only take us to just outside the force field, then they'll catch us for sure...Look they're already mobilizing!" Wheels yelled pointing in front of us as guards started to block the entrance. 

"Brace yourselves!" Missy yelled and we all grabbed onto the poles except Guppy

"You too, Guppy," Missy said and Guppy glared at her before almost breaking the pole

"A Capella, make us fly," Wild Card told her. A Capella started vocalizing lifting her hands. Her hair going up and her eyes glowing making the tram fly up. All of us cheered until Missy and I noticed A Capella was making an X signaling she couldn't steer.

"She can't steer!" We yelled panicking

"We'll crash into that building!" Missy yelled 

"We need to change directions," Wheels said looking at Noodles 

"I'm on it!" Noodles yelled making his hand into a fist and breaking the window. He jumped out holding on to a pole on the tram as he spun us around over and over again.

"Help him out!" Missy yelled as his hand was about to slip causing us to hold his hand in place before it slipped on landed on the window sill. Missy gasped and grabbed it before Rewind gave a thumbs up and Noodles let go of the pole outside. Facemaker made a silly face at the guards as we went flying

"Well, that was a disaster," Wild Card commented 

"At least we're not captured by aliens," I whispered

"That was awesome," Rewind disagreed 

"I'm so exhausted," Noodles said

I sat down in exhaustion before Wild Card sat next to me

"I heard what you said earlier," He whispered 

"Oh..." I whispered still bummed out  

"There's so much going on with you going on missions and barely being able to spend time together I guess I just forgot," Wild Card said 

"I get it. It's not easy being together when I'm always going on missions," I replied

"Happy anniversary babe," He whispered hugging me 

"Happy anniversary," I whispered back hugging him

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