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Skull Demort is a famous stuntman. He been called by many titles and of them was the-man-hated-by-death-itself for his deadly stunts. He could not help but laugh when he first heard his title.
If anything, lord Death is caring toward his student wether they have graduated already or still learning.
He graduated DWMA as a certified Death weapon. He didn't have a partner since his soul refused to cooperate with any other souls apart from the headmaster.
As a solo death weapon, he travels to different places with the circus. When he is not peforming, he is on the hunt for demons. With his career as stuntman, it no surprise to recieve mails from his fans or his old classmates. So when he saw a letter on his desk, he didn't think much of it. 
He skimmed the content of the letter lightly. He then reread the letter again  with curiosity in his eyes. The letter promised him that he will have a meister that will be compatible with him if he joins a meeting at certain time and place. The sender was a man named ironhat. His thoughts were running wild: 'Is this a trick? a prank by my classmates? I don't recognise the name though... Should I trust the content of this letter?'
The weapon longed for a meister that is compatible with him. He saw the bonds between his classmates with envy. He pleaded his old headmaster for a meister, but Lord death couldn't help. Heck,even his distant cousin, Tsubaki Nakatsukasa, has a meister.
'Should I take the chance?' he thought.  Whoever wrote this letter knows how to capture his attention. He ponders for a minute and came to a decision. “ What do I have to lose?" he said looking at the moon shining in the sky. It was weird seeing the moon not laughing with his bleeding mouth and intense gaze. 'It just dials down the creepy factor' he guessed.

book 2: weapons at handWhere stories live. Discover now