But You Know Me Too

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Yamaguchi Tadashi is not liked by many people.

Of course he has the team-who he loves and adores-and his family to boot, but it was no secret he wasn't the most popular guy around. There always seemed to be something about him to poke fun at: his freckles, his hair, even his relatively average size as a (still growing he reminds his mother) teenager. And it wasn't that the taunts didn't bother him, necessarily, just that he had grown so accustomed to their presence he remained unfazed.

There was one great exception to his observation: his best friend and sarcasm master extraordinaire, Tsukishima Kei.

When they were young, Tsukishima had gone out of his way (he insists not too far, but for Yamaguchi he may as well have brought him the moon) to drive off Tadashi's usual bullies and from then on, he was starstruck. Yamaguchi decided that they were going to be friends and held on to that decision as stubbornly as he could. Eventually, that title was upgrade to a best before it, something that still thrilled Yamaguchi to this day.

He found Tsukishima cool and capable. Someone so tall and confident, taking life at a leisurely stroll and never fearing a foot shoved in his path or a book smacked from his hands. Kei rubbed off a bit on Tadashi, helping him walk a bit straighter, head a bit higher, eyes undaunted to lock with someone else's. His best friend also had a stellar taste in music and his playlists were nothing short of perfect. Music flowed in unbroken cadence from one side of a feeling to another, enrapturing Yamaguchi's mortal ears with sweet ambrosia. 

There was a softer side to Tsukki that he was glad to be trusted with. Switching from headphones to earbuds to share a new song while they studied. The gentle smile paired with a roll of Kei's eyes when Tadashi handed him the dinosaur topper and pen he had found at a convince store that made him think of his friend. Peaceful silence or steady chatter being equally comfortable between them on their walks home together. With Tsukishima, he was safe. He knew he was cared for as well. Every time they stopped for a quick bite of fast food and Tsukki finished out the weird fries he knew Tadashi loved. Or when he felt overwhelmed in a space and suddenly feel a tall wall in front of him, a pinky reaching back to tap his hand. The gentle touch of Kei's fingers tracing constellations on his cheeks and back, telling story after story as he mapped art over Yamaguchi's skin. Lips touching his as casually as if they were lovers of years rather than an accidental confession on a cool night walk, The fireflies had reminded him of endless romance movies his family secretly binged together every Saturday night. By the time that thought sunk in, Tsukishima had already walked away. Crimson didn't leave Tadashi's cheeks so easily.

There had been more trust, more kisses, and plenty more new things to love after that. Threading his fingers through Kei's short locks. Seeing him grin every time Yamaguchi would laugh while his blonde head rested on his freckled stomach. Planning dreams and futures to keep each other in them even when distance might keep them apart. Dates to the movies, to cafes, to zoos and parks and spontaneous nights in to just enjoy each others company.

Tsukishima was many thing. Cool and capable. Soft and sweet. Strong and determined. Keen and cunning. Snarky and funny. Beautiful and dependable. He was everything a small freckled boy could have dreamed for a boyfriend and more.

Yamaguchi Tadashi may not be liked by many people, but he is loved by Tsukishima Kei.

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