screw it feat my mom

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Me: *is are just talking to my mom*

we somehow get on a weird topic

Me: are you suggesting that i make harry potter character whos related to the giant squid in the lake?

My Mom: sure why not


My Brain: hey

Me: oh no

My Brain: i see youve been looking at icelandic mythology

Me: yeah so?

My Brain: young wizard of icelandic and japanese is a blue whale animagus has empathetic bond with the giant squid in the lake also has a bit of giant blood in them

Me: okay go on

My Brain: name him Arch Smok-Kujira and hes really good at math hes a half blood but never met his dad and was thinking about either being a writer or a computer coder before he got his hogwarts letter

Me: i like this a lot

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