c h a p t e r t w o ♡ re-edited

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Ross's POV;

I was laying in my bed that night, I couldn't stop thinking about Emily. She was so beautiful and her eyes, oh man her eyes were the prettiest shade of blue.

She didn't seem to know who I was which was good, or she might've of passed out because she just got hit in the head by Ross Lynch's football.

I should just stop thinking about her all together, I mean c'mon like I'm ever gonna be lucky enough to bump into her again. I sighed heavily and tucked my arms under my head.

I snapped out of my thoughts, when someone knocked on my door, "Come in." I called out.

Rocky my older brother popped his head in the doorway, "What's up little bro?"

"Nothing much, just thinking." he seemed to know exactly what I was thinking about because he walked in and closed the door behind him, he grinned at me.

"Your thinking about that girl from the beach aren't you." I tried to lie but he could read me like a book so I just decided to come out with the truth straight up, I sighed.

"Yeah there was just something about her." I looked down at my hands, "It doesn't matter anymore anyways, it's not like I'm ever gonna see her again." I fiddled with my wrist bands.

"Well I wouldn't be so sure about that." I quickly looked up at him and raised my eyebrows, confused.

 "What are you talking about?" I was curious about what he meant.

"Well when you came back over to us, I saw Rydel run over to her to see if she was ok and long story short, Rydel got friendly with her and got her number." My eyes widened as I looked at him.

"Are you being serious right now?" He nodded his head and walked out of my room.

I fell back on to my bed and sighed happily, "Thank you Rydel." I whispered to myself as I fell asleep with a grin on my face.

Rydel's POV;

Today I decided to ask Emily if she want to go shopping with me and she agreed, I went up to her yesterday after I saw Ross talking to her. When he was walking back to the guys, he had the biggest smile on his face. I could tell he liked her so I decided to get involved like every big sister should, I went up to her and introduced myself we got to talking and found out that we had a lot in common; both our favourite colours are pink, she loves music and she sings.

She seems like a really sweet girl, I can't wait to hang out with her. I'm not telling Ross that I am just yet I'm leaving that part as a surprise.

It might come in handy later, I told Emily that I'd pick her up at 11am its now 10:30 so I thought I'd go downstairs and watch some TV, as soon as I sat on the couch Ross came into the room I looked at him.

"Hey Rossy." He looked at me and smiled at me, I knew what he was smiling about. Rocky probably told him about me getting Emily's number.

"So what are you doing today?" I asked him casually.

He was looking at his phone, "I'm going to the studio to tape a new episode of Austin and Ally."

I nodded my head at him, "Ok cool."

I looked at the clock, it read 10:45. I stood up and headed for the door, "I better go, I'll see you later Rossy." I yelled as I walked out to the car and headed to the address that Emily texted me this morning.

When I pulled up to the house, I beeped the horn and saw the door open, I smiled as I saw Emily running out towards the car. She opened the door and got in, "Hey Emily." I hugged her quickly before starting the engine again and driving off.

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