Chapter Two.

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Word count: 861 words.


“What are you?” he growled and approached me with a menacing smile. I stared at him holding no fear because he's just like in the comics. He likes placing fear in people by intimadation.

“A human, maybe in your term a Midgardian?” I answered politely. I can answer sarcastically but I don't want to get myself in trouble.

His eyes widened and pinned me to the wall with a dagger ready to slice my neck. My heart began beating erratically due to fear. Honestly, I don't fear Loki. I fear the dagger on my neck.

“You are not from Asgard, peasant” I don't know if it showed but my face was like ‘Duh? Isn't it obvious?’

“Yes, I know.” I breathed because he's also choking me but he pressed the dagger on my neck earning myself a small cut. I'm afraid if he pressed it further I'll be dying of blood loss.

“Then do not call yourself a Midgardian” Now I got confused. He caught on and asked. “What?”

He loosened his grip for me to talk and I breathed in as much of oxygen as possible but he still has that grip.

“I thought a Midgardian is someone from Earth?” he nodded. “And I'm from Earth.”

He removed himself off me and dragged me as I coughed. He opened a large door and I spun around checking if there's someone who can help me get away from this crazy psychopath but no one's in the corridor. It's awfully empty.

Loki shoved me through and I planted headfirst on the thick carpet. I rubbed my head and gave Loki a glare but he ignored me as I rubbed my head because it fucking hurts.

I got up and my eyes twinkled by the sight. We're in Asgard's library and it's way bigger than I thought.

“Now tell me. What do you mean you're from Earth?” He asked glaring hard. I sat on the empty chair just beside the table where he's sitting in.

“I'm from Earth. I live in New York.” That's the only thing I said so he got down from the table and took a large book from one of the shelves. He seemed to have memorized the whole place because he didn't even need to check the tags.

“You know why I don't believe you?” he said and dropped the book infront of me. He scanned through the pages and I just watched him read symbols that explains stuff. He pointed at one page and smirked. “It's because of this.”

“I can't read Asgardian letters, read it for me” he rolled his eyes and started to explain.

“I'll just give you the summarized version.” I nodded. “Earth is Asgard.”

“WHAT?!” I shout and almost shoved him off the table trying to look at the book. He took a handful of my hair and tipped my head to look him in the eyes.

“You do not interrupt me.” He said sternly. This time I know I've angered him. “Are we clear?”

I nodded and he lets me go. He looks back at the book and back to me. “Earth is Asgard. It all started in the extinction of our species in the battle with Fire Giants that wiped out almost all of us. We were called ‘Aliens’ by your kind without knowing they were also becoming one.”

“Odin started the civilization, infiltrated it from the inside. The so-called aliens were mating with humans that made the hybrids. Soon, we are already ruling Earth that we called Asgard in current times.”

“He started in politics, then he slowly abolished it until it became a monarchy. We witnessed how Allfather came home with gold and other treasures. He became just and proper. He's the epitome of order. We have surpassed and outlived most humans, even the rebellion.” he looked at me questioningly.

“What?” I asked and checked my face for any sign of dirt. He sighed and shook his head. “Do you have any questions?”

“Oh, about the Midgardian term.”

“That term started from Odin, that's what he called the pure-bloods or the untainted. They are extinct, we are sure of it.” He snapped the book shut and without warning, he sliced my wrist and the blood dripped on the table.

My eyes widened when that part of the table rotted and burned while my blood remained undisturbed, it fell on the cold floor smoking.

“What happened?” I asked while my gaze is still on the blood sitting on the floor.

“Clean it with your garments. I do not want to be seen holding my dagger with blood on it.” he said and handed tthe dagger to me. I cleaned it under the hem of my dress immediately.

“You should get going now. I do not want to be seen with you.” he said and took another book and made himself comfortable on the chair.

He flicked his finger and the door magically opened. With another flick he smirked as an invisible entity pushed me outside and the door slammed shut. My mind's in a frenzy trying to make sense of it all.

Untainted. Midgardian. Asgard. Earth.

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