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My friend Miguel, thinks his family is cursed. 'Cause of something that happened before he was even born.

See, a long time ago, there was this family. The Pap, he was a musician. He and his family would sing and dance and count their blessings. But he also had a dream. To play for the world.

And one day... he left with his guitar... and never returned. And the Mam... She didn't have time to cry over that walk-away musician. After banishing all music from her life...

She found a way to provide for her daughter. She rolled up her sleeves... and she learned to make shoes. She could have made candy. Or fireworks. Or sparkly underwear for wrestlers. But no. She chose shoes.

Then she taught her daughter to make shoes. And later, she taught her son-in-law. Then her grandkids got roped in. As her family grew, so did the business.

Music have torn her family apart. But shoes held them all together.

When I move to my new home with my papa. And met Miguel. One of the first things he told me was his life story. Reason being is he can't talk to his family about his love for music. And his love for his hero... Ernesto de la Cruz.

Miguel and I became fast friends soon after his tale. I even ask my papa if he can watch him work. My papa makes guitars for a living. After mama die we movie to Ernesto de la cruz's home town, Santa Cecilia.

He wanted to move here for a long time. Because selling guitars in the home town of a famous musician is sure to keep sells up.

But Mama didn't want to leave her family. Once she die he pack our bags and left. Papa and I don't talk about mama anymore. I think we're both trying to forget her so we don't feel sad anymore.

Once Miguel watch papa make a guitar. He started working on his own. In his attic. I suggested he makes it at my house.

But he thought he have a better chance sneaking it out of his house. Then sneaking it in. Since my papa makes guitars for a living. Miguel's family wouldn't want me any where near him. So he told them that my dad made socks for a living.

I don't know why he chose socks. But at least we can see each other.

I was on my way to his house to tell him about the music competition tonight. When so saw him with Abuelita and two other family members. "How many times have we told you? That plaza is crawling with mariachis." Abuelita told him.

Dante, the street dog Miguel name. Ran past me to play with Miguel. But Abuelita took off her shoe. "No, no, no, no, no. Hey, go away, you. Go!" She throws her shoe away and Dante chases after it.

"It's just Dante." Miguel told her. "Never name a street dog. They'll follow you forever. Now, go get my shoe."

When Miguel retrieved her shoe. He saw me a wave in embarrassment from his family. I wave back and he ran to catch up with his family. Dante came over to me. I pet him as we watch Miguel walk sadly back his his music hating family.

"I think we should go the long way to Miguel's house today, Dante." Dante look at me for a second before staring to lick me. "Ha Dante enough!" I told the hairless dog as I push him off me. Before we heaed to Miguel's house.

Once we reach his house I found his mama throwing pedals on the ground with the other kids. "Oh Hola, (Name)." She greeted me. "Hola, Mrs. Rivera. Is Miguel around I have to tell him something."

"I haven't seen him since mama Abuelita carry him off. (Name), shouldn't you be home getting ready for Da de los Muertos? I gave her a confused look. "Da de los Muertos? What's that?"

She looks at me surpise. "You're doesn't celebrate it?!" I shook my head. "Not from where I from. No." She nodded remembering that I had recently move here.

"Da de los Muertos is the one night of the year our ancestors can come visit us. We put their photos on the ofrenda so their spririts can cross over." She explained.

"Sounds interesting." I told her. "Next year you should ask you're papa to celebrate it." She told me. I rub the back of my neck. "I don't think that's going to happen. Papa keeps himself busy."

"He should make time for his family." She told me. He does, just not for the dead ones. "Can I look around for Miguel? I won't take up much of you're time for Da de los Muertos."

"Of course. Maybe your should stay. So you can see what it's like. You are like family to us. After all shose need socks." Ah that's why he chose sock for papa's fake job.

"We'll see." Dante and I then climb our way to the attic. To see if Miguel is there. I move the board sign out of the way.

To see my friend quickly cover his guitar up. "Huah!" When he saw it was us. He ease up. "Oh, it's you two. Get in here. Come on. Hurry up."

We climb into the attic before his family saw us. "You two are gonna get me in trouble. Someone can hear me. I wish someone wanted to hear me."

"We want to hear you." I told him as I watch him tune his guitar. "Other than you two." He told me with a smile.

Dante then licks him. "Ew, okay!" Miguel push him of then strumb the strings. It was done. "Perfecto." I told him.

He smiles at me. Before making his way to his Ernesto de la cruz shrine. He lights a candle and puts in one of the tapes. He sits down in front of it with his guitar ready. I sit beside him. Dante lays down in the back.

"I have to sing. I have to play. The music, it's... it's not just in me. It is me. When life gets me down. I play my guitar." Ernesto started to play his guitar. Miguel follow along with his guitar.

Ernesto was then next to a lady. "The rest of the world may follow the rules, but I... must follow my heart." They kiss. Miguel and I look away in disgust. "Ugh."

"You know that feeling... like there's a song in the air and it's playing just for you? A feeling so close You could reach out and touch it! I never knew I could want something so much. But it's true. You must have faith, sister."

"Oh, but Padre, he will never listen."

"He will listen to music!"

Miguel then startes to get lost in the music as he plays. I listen closely. Hanging onto every note he play.

"Only a song, only a song Has the power to change a heart Never underestimate the power of music. But my father, he will never give his permission. I am done asking permission."

Miguel stops playing and leans into the tv. "When you see your moment, you mustn't let it pass you by. You must seize it." The tape comes it and end and ejects it's self from the VCR.

Miguel looks at of one Ernesto pictures. "Seor de la Cruz, what did it take for you to seize your moment? I had to have faith in my dream.

No one was going to hand it to me. It was up to me to reach for that dream. Grab it tight... and make it come true." Miguel looks to Dante and I. "No more hiding, guys. I gotta seize my moment. I'm gonna play in Mariachi Plaza if it kills me."

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