Chapter 1: The Wild One

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Ah High school, where to begin? I guess the appropriate place would be to set the stage a bit again. I grew more in height, I developed two more abs, I developed a bad attitude, and I was angry all the time. The angry thing isn't because of Jamie, it was because of my family, but this isn't Dr. Phil and we aren't here to talk about who is and isn't a baby back bitch in my family. No, we're here to talk about my exes. The ones I officially had a relationship with. Not the ones that I just had sex with and we never spoke to each other again, or the ones that we just messed around for a bit. No, we're talking about the ones that called me boyfriend and I called them girlfriend.

In freshmen year, I didn't date anyone. Let's get that out of the way as quick as possible. I mean, sure I can tell you about this one girl who pushed me up against a wall and frenched me during a game of manhunt and then told me I was her boyfriend. But that lasted for like sixteen hours because she ended up doing the same thing with someone else the next day. I could tell you about the crushes I had (again.) The girl I purposely lost to in a ping pong tournament because she was a junior and super fucking hot. Or the artistic girl, who also gets her own section later on, and how she had a crush on me but I was way too fucking blind to see it. Oh, I guess a good place to start in my freshmen year would be with...Mandy.

Before I talk about Mandy, I should probably preface with the fact that my high school shared the building with another high school. Let's say I was in MC and Mandy was in DC. I already said that I developed a bad attitude, and with that bad attitude, I threw away the idea of being a good student. I said fuck that. I was done being a goody two shoes with my grades, and again it had to do with my family, but we went over this.

Anyway, I started cutting class early in my freshmen year. I would sit in the staircase known as the Bat-Cave later on, and every morning I would skip math and sit there listening to music, smoking a cigarette and drawing (Cliché as fuck, I know.) One morning though, this insanely pretty girl came bounding up the stairs, and screamed bloody murder when she saw me sitting there.

"You Scared the fuck outta me" she told me. As if I didn't already know that. She then proceeded to tell me how she only ran up the stairs to fix her bra, which she did in front of me without an ounce of shame. When she was done, she looked at what I was drawing, which I was honestly really shy about because what if someone saw my works and thought they were bad? I was very Marty Mcfly with my art, and if you don't get that reference go watch Back to the Future right now. Anyway, she said that it was really good, and that she liked what I was listening to.

"I'm Mandy, by the way" she told me, and I introduced myself. We shook hands, and maybe it was because I thought she was insanely pretty and I smiled goofily at her, or maybe it was because she smiled first that I smiled, but it was like a teen romance movie. Only this movie is more awkward and nerdy. 

I cut class a lot more often after meeting her and would constantly hope to run into her again. Which I did. Frequently. Weeks passed with us just hanging out. She introduced me to her friends, who all thought I was awesome because of my taste in music, my style, and because my hair was long and I reminded them of Trunks from Dragon ball Z, (Who happens to be my favorite character by the way.) I thought things were going great...and then I met Ron. 

Pfft, Ron. Mandy's boyfriend and super pain in the ass. Tall, muscular, good looking Ron. Man, I couldn't stand him. And the shit that made it worse? He was cool as all hell. He wasn't a dick like other cool kids. He was just cool to hang out with and I hated him more for that. I thought; "Fuck it, I guess Mandy is out of the question." And I started to distance myself from the DC kids.


One day, when I was cutting class, Mandy came bounding up the stairs and screamed bloody murder that I scared the hell out of her--again. She then told me how mad she was at me because I stopped hanging out with her. How she would ask about me, or wait around for me to show up. I started to see her again. It wasn't until one Tuesday morning where she told me that Ron didn't like the idea of us hanging out alone together because he felt like something was up (smart move Ron, you bastard.) That day, I realized I didn't care about Ron. I wanted Mandy for me. And I thought Mandy wanted me too. So, when she went to leave that morning and slipped on the stairs right into my arms, I thought "Wow...I thought this only happened in movies" and I went for it. I leaned in to kiss her. "Here it is" I thought, but nope. She turned away. She pushed me away and told me that she had a boyfriend. She was angry. Yelling at me that she literally just told me we couldn't hang out anymore alone because Ron's bitch ass didn't like it. She stormed off. It wouldn't be the last time I saw her, but this was the last time her and I hung out together. 

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