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TW: swearing, mentions of death/killing, mentions of weapons


// 3rd person POV \\

"What the hell...?" Tommy mumbled turning back to the group.

Everyone stared at each other before Dream spoke up.

"Ok, what the fuck did you do?" He asked, turning to techno.

Techno didn't answer. He seemed to still be in shock.

"Well?" Dream said, "It obviously wasn't anything good and it must have been bad considering he said you murdered someone?" He finished.

Techno sighed quietly, looking away. He wasn't sure what to say.

"You've never gone that far Techno, so what the fuck did you do?!" Dream semi-shouted.

"I killed his mom and kidnapped his sister, ok!" Techno shouted back.

Techno paused, realizing what he said. Dream, Wilbur and Tommy just stood there silently in shock.

— with Tubbo —

// Tubbo's POV \\

I looked behind me, checking if any of the others had followed. Thankfully non of them had. I've never freaked out on anyone like that. Not even before I met Techno.

I guess that's the result of holding everything in huh...

I continued to walk, not really looking where I was going, I just needed to be alone right now.

Or so i thought.

After a few minutes of mindlessly walking to no where, i thought back to the past again but not as far as to when i first met Techno. More to when i first met Wilbur. Of course upon meeting Wilbur, that meant meeting A LOT of his other friends, that including Niki, dream, Fundy, Skeppy, or more well known as Zak. Obviously there was others but not too many.

But there was one friend in particular he could reach out to. Who he wanted to reach out to.

Knowing the town a bit, I decided to head over to one of the last places I'd think I'd be.

// 3rd person POV \\

"Wait, you finally confronted him?"

Tubbo slowly nodded his head while looking at the floor.

"And it was in front of all of them! I didn't even mean to it just happened!" Tubbo added, seemingly now worried about his actions, "and then I just stormed off...even denying Tommy to follow..." he spoke in a low voice at the last part.

Tubbo looked up as he felt a hand on his shoulder, "Tubbo it's not your fault, with what Techno did to you, you have every right to confront him like that!" His friend said.

"Well, yeah, but..." His voiced was low again, worry plastered along his face.

"But..?" His friend questioned, sitting down next to him.

"W-What if he comes to hurt me again..?"

— Back with Techno and the Others —

// 3rd person POV \\

"You what." Wilbur said, staring right at Techno.

"Uhm-" Techno mumbled, stumbling back a bit.

Yeah, sure, the dude may have been a 'terrorist' or a 'criminal' , but he had never, never, told anyone about killing Tubbo's mom. And it wasn't even intended!

While walking back towards the village with her, all he planned to do was leave the kids out in the woods on their own for the night to scare them, but on the way back, their mom ended up seeing one of the 'wanted' flyers for Techno, and with no other thought...she was dead. He had killed her.

"What the fuck...that's just sick," Tommy mumbled still in shock.

Techno was slowly walking backwards before Dream harshly grabbed him by him forearm and pulled him back.

"Oh don't think your getting away on this one," Dream stated firmly.

Techno wasn't necessarily 'scared'. He not only hadn't meant for them to find out about that, but also the way it happened AND  right after he realized he had 'met' back up with Tubbo after their past. He was still in shock and hadn't fully processed what was happening so he wasn't thinking when Dream was pestering him, which is why he had just blurted it out like that.

"Are you gonna actually talk or is now the time you choose to go all quite?" Wilbur also spoke firmly like Dream.

Right now Wilbur was more pissed about the fact of what Techno had done, he wasn't really in shock an more.

Again, Techno stayed quiet.

"Speak up or something!" Tommy semi-yelled.

"What do you want me to say?! You forced me to say something that wasn't even my fault when I wasn't even in the right mind state!" Techno semi-shouted back.

"What are you going on about? Not your fault? Not the right mind state?" Dream butted in, still having his grip on Techno's arm.

Techno quickly pulled his arm from Dream's grasp, giving him a nasty glare.

"Nothing you would understand," Techno said giving dream a certain look then waiting for an answer.

Picking up on the look Dream quickly replied, "Don't even start with that right now Techno, I swear to fucking god"

Techno stared at him before walking off, dodging both Dream and Wilbur trying to stop him. Not soon after, he was out of sight.

— With Tubbo —

// 3rd person POV \\

"Tubbo, calm down, its gonna be ok-"

"but I shouldn't have left them! What if they get hurt?" Tubbo quickly interrupted, clearly still worried but now about his friends more than himself.

"Their not going too Tubbo, Dream is there, he will protect them, and plus, Wilbur has fought Techno before as well, they'll be okay!-"

His friend was cut off again.

"NO, no! I need to go back!" Tubbo semi-shouted as he shot up from where he was sitting and ran out the door of the building.

"WAIT TUBBO COME BACK!" his friend bolted out the door after him, not bothering to grab any weapons before hand.



this was a fun one to write :D
The only reason I'm ending this one here is because what's about to happen, I want to happen in the next chapter so I don't put all the 'angst' in one big chapter :)

also who do you guys think this "friend" is???

1,015 words

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