Cooking Time With Wolf Boy and a Terrorist

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"Wait, what does big brother Ritsu mean?"


"Ohh... so you're telling Klee you woke up here?" Klee asked Ritsu while tilting her head.

"Yes..." Ritsu nodded. Without saying anything, Razor walked to the back of Ritsu and... sniffed him. "Yah!" Ritsu shrieked.

"Sorry. Ritsu smell nice. Want to eat meat?" Razor asked Ritsu while tilting his head.

"N-no thanks." Although Ritsu had to admit, he was a tad bit hungry. But eating food from another person didn't sound right in his opinion. Especially since he had nothing to give. 'Guess I'll just search for food in the wild.'

Yeah, bad call. Klee wouldn't let go of Ritsu. She pleaded with Ritsu to hold hands with her as she took Ritsu to her and Razor's campsite. If Ritsu tried to let go, she would immediately grab it back, leaving no room for objections. Eventually, Ritsu gave up and let Klee do what she wanted. The whole way, Razor was trailing behind Ritsu. Ritsu felt uncomfortable at first, but like with Klee, he got used to it. Ritsu felt like a mother with his two new friends.

"Here we are!" Klee's excited shout snapped Ritsu out of his thoughts. 'This... is a campsite?'

The "campsite" was built around a bunch of burnt logs. It seems they were used for fire before Ritsu arrived. The only visible shelter was a collapsed tent, but it had some burnt marks here and there. Food was scattered around as if there was some type of mini-food battle.

"Oops! Klee forgot to clean up!" Klee realized. Letting go of Ritsu's hand, Klee immediately went to the scattered food and picked up what still seemed edible. As for the others? Well, they've seen better days.

"Sorry. Camp messy," Razor apologized to Ritsu. An image of a wolf boy with droopy ears and tail could be seen. "O-oh no, it's alright! I'm the one intruding after all!" Ritsu comforted Razor while waving his hands in front of his face. With the comfort of his words, Razor's face lit up again. As an apology, Razor hugged Ritsu. "Uhm, Razor?"

Razor buried his face into Ritsu's neck and sniffed it. 'Smells good. Like candy.' His arms hugged Ritsu's waist tightly as if they didn't want to let go. Once again, an image of a wolf boy could be seen, but this time his tail was wagging. The moment was bliss for Razor until it came to a stop by a little elf girl named Klee.

"Big brother Ritsu! Big brother Razor! What're you two doing?" Klee asked innocently as if she didn't just interrupt Razor's moment of bliss. Annoyed, Razor let go of Ritsu and let out a low grumble. "Nothing."

Mentally, Ritsu thanked Klee for saving him. He had to admit, the hug was nice, but he was getting embarrassed. Shyly, Ritsu walked towards the campsite where Klee had cleaned up. Which, surprisingly, had a pot over the clump of logs, along with a bunch of potatoes scrambled out on the forest floor. 'Is that why her backpack was so heavy?' "Big brother Razor! Make your specialty!" Klee childishly ordered. Like a worker following the orders of his boss, Razor got to work.

One by one, each potato was peeled and mashed into the pot. Once they were completely mashed, Klee took out a jar of berry jam and a jar of... cheese? Anyways, she handed the two jars to Razor. Silently thanking her, Razor took the jam and cheese jars and dumped some into the pot, and started mixing them into the mashed potatoes. While Razor was mixing them, Klee took out a mini blanket and laid it on the ground. Confused, Ritsu continued watching them by the side, not wanting to disrupt them. Without warning, Razor dumped the entire mix onto the blanket, startling Ritsu. 'Is he trying to mold them?'

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