Chapter 6

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A/N: Hey guys so some of you people know that I had another book. Well I deleted that book, for multiple reasons. I thought I needed to focus on one book only. And I think that I might change the title idk, it's such a long title. I maybe changing it to "Forgive me" or "Take me back" or "I'm sorry" idk I'm working on it. Not the point on with the story!

Lily's POV

I woke up with a startle. The booming sound of my alarm clock had disturbed my slumber. Oh, joy school! The best place to be sacrificed with acknowledge and knowledge or known as the studies of horror. I smile remembering the memory from last night.

Me and Marcus had just been walking around by the pond when we saw Michael practically eating Sidon alive! Her arms tighten on his neck and kissing each other hungrily. Yep on the way home me and Marcus practically made fun of them for it. Also the fact that they should get A ROOM!!! Hope u liked this paragraph! SidonYosief50 I love u! 😉

I had just finished taking a shower. God damn it I don't know what to wear! It's a school day, I have a new boyfriend and I don't know what to wear. I'm calling Liz I walk over to my purse and found my phone at 5%. Oh no I still have little life left, if this phone dies I die along with it. Some people know how much I cherish my phone.

I call her and after the 3rd ring she answered.

Hello she says casually

Hey Liz I don't know what to wear help me!!!!!! I yelled over the phone.

Omg calm down Lily u practically made my ears bleed to deaf! She yelled back.

Ok sorry, but u gotta help me! I whined.

Ok I already know what you can wear.

How do u memorize what clothes I have in my closet? I questioned.

We've been friends for years and yet u ask me this question? She states.

Fair point.


I finally found an outfit to wear for school. Oh the joy of school. I had also finished breakfast. I got a text message from Marcus saying he's here. Wow he must really want to show me off. Considering that there's a bunch of sluts that cling on to him every second they can have.

"Bye, guys off for school." I call out cheerfully. "Ok. see u soon." My mother calls out. "Say hi to, Mar-Mar for me." Maggie yells. "Ok." I giggle at the cute nickname. I open the door and found Marcus standing at the hood of the car. Oh, how he looked like he came out of a fairy tale. And to think he was mine. I like the experience of your first love so far.

He smiles that smile that gets girls to go Ga-Ga "Hey babe." He warps an arm around my waist, then gives me a peck on the cheek. I blush slightly, at the thought of his lips on me. "Hey what's up?" I ask casually. "Checking out my awesome gal." I smile, I don't I have been this happy since, father pasted away. He died of a car crash. I put on a smile, he opens the car door for me. "Malady." He bows down. "Yea, that's right obey me peasant." I giggle at my joke. "Hey, that's no way to treat your bf Lily." He pouted. I giggle and kiss his cheek. "I'm sorry." I smile.


As we approached the worst of all places is the high schoolers territory. Yep and I'm one of them. 😑 All the sluts, whores, and bitches kept there death stare on me!! Wtf did I do?!?!? This girl named Katherine is the all categories all is slut, whore, and is (let me tell you) out of the line BIATCH!! Anyway she literally walked up to Marcus and started flirting with him!!! Ah hell nah!!! That's my man bitch!!!! Get your own!! Oh wait she can't keep a REAL relationship. Basically she's desperate all the time, dated every guy even a few college kids,WHORE!!!

I slightly smile at my inside thoughts. "Hey why are dating piece of shit?" Katherine asks giving me the fucking death stare!!! "What piece of shit, is there more besides you?" Marcus says in a tone that sounded hilarious! I bursted out laughing and eventually I see my other friends too laughing their asses off. She totally deserved it, I think steam arose from her head as she stomped off.

Yea, sorry I'm skipping the classes I'm actually in a hurry to finish it.

As I walk over to my table, I apparently saw all my friends making out! "Damn you assholes!!" I yell and pointing at everyone. "Well hey don't you have a boyfriend?" Sidon giggles as Micael keeps kissing her forehead. "Omg guys get a room already!!" Marcus yells as he wraps an arm around my waist. "Hey guys how about we all go to my place and hang out." Reed buts in. "Omg sounds like a plan." "Yea, and we can play 7 min in heaven?" He says wiggling his eyebrows. I immediately felt a tug on my waist. "Mine!" Marcus yells. Which made the whole room fall silent and eyes only on us. Michael coughs. "Awkward!"
"Ok we're in." Michael and Sidon their eyes up for the challenge. "Me too." Ruqaya says calmly. "Ok fine I'm in but if you pervs go anywhere other than her lips I'll kill you!!" Marcus practically screams for the room to hear, I giggle. His lips hover over my ear. "Only I'm allowed." He whispers, my eyes widened of the thought of....,well you know! "Naughty boy." I look at him slapping his face. "I deserve to be punished." He grabs my hand kissing it. I felt my face grow HOT!!! A flaming burn or sting. "Ohhhhhh." All said in unison. "Where's Maddie and Ashton." I ask. "Oh Maddie said that she's sick and Ashton went to take care of her." Ruqaya explained. "But they'll be coming don't worry." She giggles and Reed whispered something in her ear.

Sorry I haven't updated my BFF SidonYosief50 bugged me far too long just for me to update. Thank you random people who read my book. Bye 😉!

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