part 21

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hello guys

recap ; sparsh trying to get forgive ness from shalini

shalini pov;

after coming from park i directly went to kitchen to cook somethg i know kaki is not there

me; bacha wt do u want to eat

piya; paratha chotii maa  

me; oka 

piya; yeh yehhhh
and i started preparing dinner after some time it completed

and kept all on dinning table and took piya  and went to room

and i saw him sleeping  
should i call or not i dnt know may bhi im angry on him this is not the time
i wil just tell dinner is ready i wil go good idea

me : sparsh
i think if i call like this no one wil wake up
god y, y me 🙄🙄
and i went near him and start to wake him

me; sparsh sparsh
and atleast he woke up and i mived backside seeing him awake

me; hmm dinner is ready

and i took piya and went off so fast
god this marathon with me nly

and after i made piya sit on chair and i sat beside her

and till then sparsh came he sat beside piya  on other side
and i silently took plates and serve it in 2 plates and push one plate toward him and turn towards piya without looking at him

and took a bite and make her eat

piya : yummy choti maa
and she kissed my cheek and then turn towards sparsh

piya: chachuu its yummy eat

amd then sparsh ate and said its good

i dnt reply anythg just keep quiet and make her eat and also i ate because im dam hungry bcz of work and roaming out also

after we complete the food

piya start shouting for ice cream

me; bacha wait i wil get

after i went into kitchen and took ice cream and put in 2 bowl and went towards them who is now sitting in hall

and put the try on table and took one bowl

me; come bacha
and push.the tray towards him

and piya started eating and sparsh also eating

piya: chotimaa u dnt want icecream

me; no baby u eat

then i heard sparsh murmuring that i wont eat bcz he brought
i mentally chuckle bcz he think like that
and then i start making piya eat she is so excitedly eating

and then  after both complete eating i took bowl and went to kept that in kitchen

and i washed everything and then went out to see that both r watching tv
and i went towards them

me: piya come bacha ,its late u have to sleep na

piya: please choti ma some  more time its good

and she look towards me with her puppy face
but i dnt have any energy bcz everthg that happen yesterday 

me;piya bacha today u sleep tommorow u see bacha

poya: plz choti ma

me; ok u see with ur chachu after completing i come to room ok

then she look towards me and then him

then he node his  head and said

piya we can watch in room also come

and she  came towards me i took her towards room and heard footstep following us

and then i took her to room and he sat on bed

me: piya come change ur dress and see bacha

piya: ok choti maa

i took and changed her and told her to go to room and also changed n went towards them both r sitting in bed and watching

and i went lay down on beside

piya: good night chotii maa

me: good night bacha

i dnt know when i slept

next mrng when i woke up  try to move but im not able i opened my eyes to piya is almost she is sleeping on me and im almost to close to sparsh my head is on his chest and his hand on my waist

god y always come towards his side on sleep

some day this volcano wil burst on me like shalini how dare to come on my sideee 😓😅

i slowly remove his hand and move piya to bed and keep pillow beside her and went to fresh up

and i came out to see both r sleeping nicelyy they look cute

y im lookimg towards them shalini u became mad go get ready u have work 
and i went to balcony to dry my hair and after went down to temple  and did pooja and then went to make breakfast bcz today also kaki wont come she is not feeling well and kaka is also with her to take care  of her amd he wil come aftersome time

and i started making breakfast paratha n paneer sandwich and after 1 hr i completed and make milk  for piya and coffee for sparshh as i  already had mine and i went towards room to wake them up

i enter to see piya is already wake up and she is try to wake sparsh i laugh seeing her effect i went near her

me; piya

she look towards me and stop waking sparsh and raise her hands

i went near them i woke up sparsh bcz he is holding her

sparsh sparsh get up

he woke up at once and saw towards me and then piya

i call piya

me: bacha come u have to drink milk

and he left her and she came towards me

i then took her milk glass and make her drink that

and took his coffee and had it
and after that i kept her glass on tray

me: come bacha today i wil make u ready bcz kaki is having fever
piya ; ok choti maa

then i took her towards her room and make her bath in making her bath she started playing make ne all wet
god i need to go n change

i went to room then only sparsh came into room only in pant without shirt

after looking him i just turn other side

me; idiot dnt even have manner

sparsh: wt its my room

me: so its ur room doesnot mean u wont lock ur room door when u change

sparsh: so its my choice

me: u ......
i want to talk back i startes sneezing continously because of cold

he is gng to say somethg i went towards bathroom taking my clothes

god it wont stop for sometime

pen down for now

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